Chapter Five

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As soon as I entered the room, the enormity of everything came rushing to me. I would be in the same room as the Avengers. I would be talking and conversing with them. My giddy heart leaped in joy as these realizations came to me. As I looked around the room, I saw many people - more than I had expected. Of course, I noticed the Avengers first. Then, I noticed five others seated next to them. I didn't recognize three them, although they appeared to be part of the Avengers. Two of them seemed to be very young - not much older than me. One of them, a boy, had a shock of messy, platinum white hair. The girl's was long and dark brown. The other... person... had red skin with some type of jewel in the middle of his forehead, and seated next to him was Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and James Rhodes. Wow.

I also noticed Hannah, several other agents, and a black man with an eye patch who I was pretty sure of who it was.

I glanced at the Avengers' outfits. They were wearing casual clothing, rather than their uniforms for fighting–all except Thor, who was wearing his normal battle regalia. I felt slightly overequipped with all the weapons strapped to my side.

"I don't exactly know everyone here," I whispered over to my parents. My heart began to beat rapidly and sweat formed on my palms. I was nervous to meet all these important people, where I was just some girl.

My dad's gaze swept over to me. "I guess we'll have to have a few introductions," he answered.

Moments after we had walked in the room, silence fell over everyone.

My dad nodded towards everyone and smiled. "Hello!"

Everybody grinned back at my dad.

It seemed as if they all knew my parents quite well.

"Ah, do we finally have a smaller agent here?" somebody said. His voice was tinged with amusement.

I look over at the speaker. It was Tony Stark. I wasn't sure what to say, but I opted for the most stupid thing: "Tony Stark?!" I exclaimed.

He gave me a look. "I get that a lot."

My mom glanced at me, and saw the disbelief inscribed on my face. "She's... quite a fan of you guys."

Another man nodded, and I noticed it was Steve Rogers. Captain America was seated right before me. I saw he was wearing one of those tight shirts he always wore. "I can certainly tell," he said. "And what is your name?" He inclined his head towards me in question.

"I-I'm Jenna," I said in awe. "I think I might need a few introductions." I glanced quickly towards the two younger ones, the red man, and the agents.

"I believe that would be quite helpful." Steve grinned easily. "I'm assuming you know all of us?"


"Obviously you know me," Tony interrupted. "Everybody should. I'm the great Tony Stark and this is my wonderful side kick Steven Rogers, AKA Captain of the great United States of America." Then, he gestured to a few others. "Bruce, Nat, Clint..." He trailed off. "Oh! I almost forgot. The most mighty and worthy god: Thor." By now, his voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Thor shot Tony a look of pure venom. If looks could kill, Tony would be a pile of bones right now.

The boy with the platinum white hair laughed. "Do not worry. There seem to be 'fights' all the time."

I noticed he had a thick accent that I couldn't discern.

"I am Pietro," he added.

The girl seated next to him spoke. "Wanda," she said. She had the same thick accent as Pietro. "We are twins."

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