Chapter Six

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Before anybody starts to complain, no I'm not 100% following the events that happened.. I want to get in as many of the characters that I and everybody else loves.

I will put it some more action/interesting stuff in this chapter, since the latest chapters have bee relatively slow... Sorry about that!!


All decisions have consequences. Some are worse than others. When Fury announced that we would have to allow the plane or subway threat to happen, the room's atmosphere darkened considerably. We quickly wrapped up the meeting and began to leave. When we were walking out, Mom put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Honey," she said. "I know you've gone through a lot in the past couple days, but I have a few questions regarding your powers."

I nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"You can usually figure out the type of powers one has by anything unusual about them. Have you noticed anything unusual?"

"Well," I started, "I seem to have a very good memory. I can usually pick up all the details of something and remember it in a moment. I've always been in shape, as well."

"So I've noticed," Mom grinned. "Especially when you shove hordes of food into your mouth and sit around all day."

I laughed. "Especially then. What else are we doing toda-"

I was cut off when we felt a huge rumble and heard a loud boom. The lights shut off, plunging us into darkness. Hesitant red lights soon flickered on, giving off an eerie glow.

"Jenna," Dad said urgently. "An emergency exit is located behind the fire extinguisher if you need to get out. Just press the triangular warning label on it, and it opens the door."

I furrowed my brow. "If I need to get out? I am not leaving you guys here. I'm not leaving those guys here, either." I swept my arm over towards the Avengers.

I noticed they had regrouped together and were discussing something urgently. One of the Avengers began to pace around, and I grabbed his arm. It was muscular and lean.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

He looked down at me, and I noticed it was that kid, Pietro. He had to be at least 6 feet tall. His electric blue eyes contrasted with the red glow. He had an amused look on his face. "According to Tin Man Tony, nothing is going on." He looked over towards Stark and added, "You can try asking him."

I scowled and walked briskly over to the group, shoving through. "Hey Tony," I said casually. "What's going on here? And don't tell me nothing, because nothing is most definitely not happening."

The floor shook again, just as I finished, as if confirming my point.

"And when did you get this attitude, little agent?" said Tony. "One should not speak to Iron Man like that."

I noticed he avoided answering my question, so I turned to a more reasonable person and repeated it. "What's going on?" I asked, looking at Cap.

"Somebody is trying to destroy the Hotel Plaza for reasons unknown," Cap answered. "We don't know who exactly. If you'd like to come, any and all help is welcomed."

"She is not going!" Dad roared, butting into the circle. He glared at me as if all this was my fault.

I looked at Dad. "Then why did you have me suit up?" I asked acidly.

"You know, she does have a point," Bucky added.

Dad swung his glare over to Bucky, but Bucky refused to be chastised.

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