Failed Centrality

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Since when did you need anyone to approve of me?
Oh honey, sweet honey, I saw it all

Why can't things just be the way they used to be?
Am I too strange for you to call?

Before, we couldn't even pass each other without smiling
Now where's all that gone?
Now, all I feel like doing is crying
Can't you tell what is wrong?
Honestly, at the mentality your mind is set
You won't even begin to understand it yet
My mind is going places that I can't see

Your eyes are on someone else but me
Okay, after all I did push you away
But why does she have to have a  say?
These tears are slow
Not at all what I expected
My guard is down
I'm not at all protected

These cuts burn; My stomach churns

Empty feelings I cannot return

Ok, so the world's out to get me. I understand
But, I really don't even like that plan.

What did I ever do so wrong?
To get hate from you so strong?

Is it because of him you say?
Does that lead you to act this way?
I can't sleep, I can't even concentrate
What's all this about for God's sake
0em Twinkle ; that's all I hear
Something that deprives me of all my fears
They say blood's thicker than water
That's why're you're so thin, oh no wonder
You're the reason I don't want to trust
You're the reason why I'm all caught up
Looking back, I really must have grown
Can't you see I'm no longer accident prone?
Who am I talking to particularly?
Wait, what in the world is wrong with me?
What is wrong with you I may ask,
You think I'm perfect? What an ass

Is this too hard to acquiesce?

Honestly, you don't even make sense.
Ok, I'm cold. I feel like ice
So it's from inside out. Ain't that nice?

Right now I don't feel like talking to you
But maybe that'll change in a week or two
All I ask is for you to tell me the truth
Is that something too hard for you to do?
If you refuse to understand, oh well
I won't even try to put you under a spell
Ok, so I've had enough.
Wait, don't try to pretend, I know you'll miss my touch

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