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Even though I'm smiling so much,
Inside I'm hurting pretty bad
And though my heart is so soft,
He was the best I ever had.
And yes I know I screwed up
But all that was never meant
And though my eyes are not shut
You're still inside of my head
Maybe these goosebumps have been here for a reason
Maybe I'm starting to change just like the seasons

Maybe this all a message to decipher

Or maybe just the saddest part of my life ever
My crush doesn't even seem to know I exist
And really I'm not so worried about this
My babe was just given up like an offer
And all this maybe makes me a bit softer?
Some things are too redundant to even think of
Reminiscence maybe is one of the great stuff
I'm not complaining, just contemplating

But why do things in life have to be just a fling?

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