"Relax your mind." He had just ignored me!

"If I relax my mind will you call me by my actual name?" I asked setting the weighs down.

"Pick those up." He ordered.

I glared at him first before I obeyed.

"I am your mind trainer. I will train you to use your mind in every way that you can. You will obey my every order while we are in here. Is that clear?" The atmosphere had shifted and it was so much more serious that it was when I came. I wondered if he could also control that.

"Yes." I replied.

"We Guardians are people of power. We can literally do anything. From controlling moods to entering people's minds to pushing desks against history teachers." I chuckled at that but he remained dead serious. "Because of our extreme power, we have to learn to practise control and we also have rules that prevent us from exploiting other supernaturals or humans even."

"It takes years of practise to achieve high potential and exploit all our powers and there's is on!y one known Guardian who ever had very strong powers. He was a Guardian by the time he was three. When he died he was on such an extreme level of supremacy that it was impossible to be in the same room with him without him exploding you into a million pieces just by looking at you."

"Yeah." I scoffed letting a laugh in a small puff of air.

Gabriel glared at me. "Your energy is very strong and maybe if you work hard you will do well. I think it's worth mentioning that there hasn't been a female Guardian in 506 years. If a girl child was born a Guardian, they were killed at birth."

"What? Why?" I clutched my throat in surprise.

"It was complicated. But when your grandmother came into power, she cancelled many of these oppressive rules so that's why you survived."

"But why did they kill female Guardians?" I wanted to know.

"That's a story for another day."


"Clear your mind." He ordered.

I opened my mouth to argue but closed it again when I saw the look on his face.

"Empty your mind and get rid of any feelings or anything that could distract you. You can close your eyes if that helps."

I took a deep breathe and I tried my best to do as I was told and I also closed my eyes.

"Turn your palms up-" his voice was very regular, calm.

I turned them up. I was still holding the weights.

"I want you to picture your weights. Spin them around in your mind. Play with them."

He was silent for a minute as I pictured the blue weights and spun them around in my mind. Ohhh they were so pretty. They would have been so much prettier is they were red.

"Now open your palms and speak directly to the weights and say 'up'. Loudly."

I opened my palms. "Up." I said
As soon as I said that I  felt both weights slip out of my hands to the floor.

I shut my eyes tighter in anticipation of my feet being smashed by the weights.


I opened my eyes and found the weights hovering in mid air a few inches above the ground.

I glanced at Gabriel. He was just studying me with a straight face."Thank you." He had prevented them from hitting me.

"Start over." He orders and he made the weights jump back into my outstretched hands.

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