Chapter 12

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This chapter contains references and imagery of sexual abuse. Reader's discretion is advised

Storm POV

Dammit what was I thinking?! Why did I let her go, alone? WITH A GUY?!

She may have not known it herself, but I've seen her around men. Even boys like Sward and Saurus. 

The way her frame suddenly grew smaller, her legs twisting to lock that gap between them shut. We were both 10 when it ended for her. But I never asked her what happened.

But yet there I was, ENCOURAGING her to go check out some plant with that random guy who literally kicked her arse. Aw dammit his name is Kick I made a pun ARGHHGH

I obliterate the bushes that entangle me in a blast of sparks, continue my march into the woods. 

Now.. if I were some weirdo guy luring a kid to something where would I go...

Okay maybe storming off alone into the woods with no direction may not have been the best idea. But hey, at least IM doing something.

But a quiet voice at the back of my head wondered quietly, "If not, would anyone else?"

Would anyone even notice her gone?

Ugh. As usual, I, the strongest Storm and Leif's best friend, must save her from the evil forces of this world. What would she ever do without a pal like me.

I realize I still have no clue where to head to.


"Who are you?"

I stop and whirl around to see Saurus and Pax a small distance behind me. Between us is a girl.

"We were going to let you go and look for Leif alone but we spotted her following behind you." Pax explained, eyes gesturing to the strange girl.

She was standing there, frozen by our gazes. She sighed, breath muffled by her orange scarf before speaking. "I was.. wondering if you were looking for a girl with green hair, white eyes, nervous, seems like a child.."

"YES!" I exclaimed as sparks shot through my hair. "Did you see her? Where is she?!"

"She's in that old abandoned base." She answered. "Follow me and I'll take you there."

"Wait. Who are you? How do we know we can trust you?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

What if she was with that Kick guy and were trying to lure us away from whatever was happening? Or..

"I'm Swift." She answers.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I get it, you're fast and quiet to have snuck up on me." 

"Storm, I think that's her name." Saurus mumbles loud enough for us to hear.


Seriously? Who names their kid Swift? What would they call her siblings? Quick? Agile? Zippy?

Is Zippy a real name? 

"I heard her screaming." Swift interjects my thoughts. "We should get to her as soon as possible."

"RIGHT! Lead the way!" I command, before adding. "And if it turns out you're trying to direct us away from her, I'll choke you with that scarf of yours."

Is it just me or did I see a small grin play upon her lips, as if I had said some funny joke. 

Coz that ain't a joke. I will actually strangle her if she's against us in this.

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