Chapter 11

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Test POV

How did I end up back here? The 2 years ago seem like forever. Had it really just been less than the peaceful decade I had hoped for?

I suppose so.

That day I was taken from the world and family I knew, forced into these once sterilised and busy rooms. Being marched between the lab and my cell, trying to reign in the nerves of my body throwing tantrums like awakened babies from their naps. A deafening symphony of pain and overwhelming sensation I would sit crying, slowly silencing them once more.

Whatever they did to me.. those syringes of angry substances forced into my tissue and muscles. Those hours spent exposed to a machine that hummed in waves you would feel with your hands and taste with scattered tastebuds on your tongue. 

It had nurtured something within my body I never knew could grow such a way. At first it felt empowering. I was stronger, quicker, more reactive. And I thought I'd fight my way out with ease any day then. But no, a coward I was, cowering in my cell, obeying their commands for those 4 years. 

And inside.. I could feel my body turning on me. As if it was dissatisfied with me, like I was the prison of its full potential. 

And so as it tried to expand within me, to break free, it's creators stuck me in the very same chair I lie in now. Tubes inserted into their designated and marked slots all across my chest and muscles, to suck out the Core's angry attempts to convert me to its element. In turn, this energy they extracted powered their machines. I was not only a test subject, a surrogate mother they birthed their creations within, and watched how it grew within my veins and bones, but a power source as well.

The Core they reconstructed within me.. it began to close its abilities off from me, only thrusting them upon me in unmanageable doses on maximum should I have tried to access them. I couldn't fight, least my body turn itself against me. To raise my eardrum sensitivity and sight to the point it hurt to hear my own breath or glance upon a surface. Every touch, a nuclear bomb upon my nerves. 

A failure I was deemed by them. A.. "Test", something they would learn from for next time. It's sad to say it's all I clung to as my identity. During that time I could not remember from where I came or who I had been before I was forced to be "F-2". Though since my escape it's been slowly dripping back into my conscious memory. 

And I remember Ginn. How he had taken me down with no warning, zero signs or aggression or motives of harm. But yet again by his encounter, I wind up here again.


The only reason I ever managed to escape before.. oh Drapus, I hope Ginn hasn't hurt you too. I pleaded to whoever was listening the reason of your disappearance to be your own shenanigans and not something of concern.

That day you broke free from their chains. I saw them prepare you upon the table, ready to repeat the same procedure I received on you. I couldn't stand the thought of some poor innocent creature being subjected to that sort of chaos and hurt. You didn't seem afraid as I approached. Perhaps because I was relatively younger than the men who dragged you in, or perhaps you could smell my fear and motives as I loosened the bolts holding the chains in place.

I guess most of those scientists were not made aware of your arrival sooner as they seem shellshocked, rooted in place as we made a run to the door. I tried my best to fight along your side. Though I offered little to nothing compared to the columns of flames you spat.

I glance towards the path I'd have to take to rejoin that old escape run. It seemed so long ago... but not long enough.

Drapus isn't here. And I remain just as uselessly bound to their machines as I had been years before.

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