"It's rude to kidnap someone while they are unconscious, Law." she retaliated back, clenching her fist to prevent herself from ripping his throat off.

"Is that how you show respect after someone help treat your wounds?" he shook his head out of mock disappointment, "I would have thought you knew better, being in the marine force and all." he chuckled.

Shiki narrowed her eyes, right now, finding Trafalgar Law annoying, "I didn't want to be treated and you didn't have to treat them, nobody asked you to."

Law leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable, "Ah, but Bepo wanted you to be treated, didn't he?" he smirked when she stiffened.

"... If I give my thanks to Bepo, would you return my stuff so I can leave." she didn't want to be here, she wanted out, who knew how long she was away, she probably made her friend worried.

"That doesn't seem fair. After all,  I did use my medical supplies to treat you and those don't come cheap." he smirked.

By now, her nails were digging into her palms, drawing out blood, "What do you want? If you just want information on the marines, I could just tell you and leave." there was a sharp edge to her tone, she was ready to rip his throat out and it was oh so tempting too, with the way he tilted his head up like he was looking down on her.

"It sounds interesting but that's not what I want completely."

If she just leap over the table, her bloody nails could reach his neck.

"I want you to join my crew."

"I refuse, I don't want to be here." she replied instantly with a flat tone.

Law chuckled, but it was a dry one, she was right in front of him and he wasn't going to let this chance slip by, he stood up from his seat and walked around his desk to stand in front of her, "I understand, you can leave, but..." he shot his arm out and wrapped it around her waist, causing her to stumble forward, his 'Room' was activated and he shot his free hand against the place of her heart, "I'll be taking this." he deactivated his 'Room' and held up a beating organ encased in some sort of blue jelly-like cube in his palm.

A jolt coursed through her body before an empty feeling settled where her heart was. She stared at the thing in Law's hand and lifted her own hand to feel her chest, she paused when she felt her fingers dip through her tank top, there was a hole where her heart was suppose to be, but she was still breathing.

She tried to step back but the arm wrapped around her prevented her from doing so, "Let go." she said with an impassive tone. Her only answer was him tightening his hold.

"Don't order me around." he said with a low tone, his stormy grey eyes narrowing at her, she didn't look shock or even surprise that he was holding her heart, she was just frowning. Another thing that perturb him was that she didn't even try taking her heart back.

"You're not nice, Law." which in Shiki's terms, she does not like him as much now.

To Law, she sounded childish, looking down at her, she didn't even look 18 yet.

He let her go and leaned on his desk, staring for her next move, "You can leave if you want, but just to let you know, we're underwater and won't be resurfacing for a while." he grinned as a spark of anger flashed in her eye.

Before he knew it, he was pinned to his desk with a hand around his neck, her bloody finger tips leaving smears on him. "What a feisty girl." a smug smirk settled on his face as Shiki had straddled his waist, her frown deepening.

She leaned forward, using her other arm to lean as a support above his head, "What are you playing at?" she questioned him in a whisper, her fringe tickling his cheek, with the position, he could see both of her dull golden eyes that now blazed with anger.

"I'm not playing. You can join my crew or leave any time you want, but we won't be resurfacing for a while." he repeated with an infuriating smirk that Shiki wanted to rip off.

Shiki narrowed her eyes, she could hear it, she could hear the one option that she was being given. Even if they were reasonable options, she somehow knew Law wouldn't resurface until she joined, he would probably imprison her for when they needed to go up on land.

"I want out, even if I have to sink you and everybody else." she almost hissed, gripping his throat tighter, her nails digging even further.

Law narrowed his eyes as his air pipes were being crushed with such force, but didn't let the pain show, before further damage can be done, he squeezed the heart in his hand and watched her whole body stiffen from the pain, but her grip on his neck didn't loosen.

He gripped harder and blood started to sip out from the corner of her mouth, her hand was shaking. A thin layer of sweat coated her forehead as she leaned her head against his chest, an intense pain coursing through her body, it felt like large spikes of needles were stabbing at her but even though it could stop if she let go, she still didn't let go of Law's throat.

"If you're going to stay here for a while, I suggest you behave yourself." Law stated with a warning tone but there was amusement dancing in his eyes as Shiki was struggling against the pain while she was straddling him, her head pushing against his chest. He squeezed her heart a little harder and finally, Shiki's hand went slack while her mouth opened to let out a non-existent scream that she refused to let out.

Law chuckled, "That's a good girl." he lifted her hand away from his throat as dark bruises began to form in the place her fingers gripped. He held her limped hand in his own and sat up, wrapping an arm around her, her frantic heart placed to his side as it began to beat normally.

Her eyes were hazy as she breathed deeply against his chest, "... Don't like... you." she breathed out with difficulty, attempting to slap his face, but it was more of a pat than anything else.

Law only chuckled in response, resting his chin on top of her head, "Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Shiki-ya."

"Still... not joining."

"We'll see."


I have free time!

Sorry for those who have been looking forward to this, I only have 2 more tests then the holiday but will be working on 2 major work (Kill me now). Got my art results and it was okay, pass the subject, but my grades went down... yup. This is what happen when I do it seriously, I study, my grades go down, I don't give a damn and my grades are high. What is wrong with me (눈_눈).

Going back to not taking art seriously again since that work wonders. Like when are we gonna use art in real life?! When?!

Ehem, sorry for my rant.

Anyway~ hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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