Chapter 1

41 3 7

Run! RunRunRunRunRun...

Liam and Niall panted in unison, glancing back every so often at the banging doors of the old Skyline Highschool, growls rippled through the night air as heavy paws scratched at the cemented path below.

"SHIT!!" Niall screamed in pain, he had bite marks on his forarms and claw marks on the side of his face, blood and sweat matting his hair to his forhead.

This was the first time they had ever failed to kill a demon, their weapons had proved useless, and now they were suffering the consequences. They were going to die.

Niall was a few yards in front of Liam when he flew to the ground, he was screaming Liam's name in agony, blood splurting from fresh bite wounds as the hell hound(s) tore into him. "LIAM!!" Niall screamed, trying to fight off the invisible son of a bitch tearing into his chest.

Liam felt fear seep deeper into the depths of his mind as he watched what was becoming of his best friend, running with all he was worth, he sprinted full force at the thing tearing into Niall. Liam felt himself clide with the matted beast as he launched himself over Niall, taking the beast off Niall as he hit the pavement in the forgotten streets of skyline.

A small struggle insued as Liam pulled the beast into a death grip, making sure it couldn't reach Niall again. The creature growled in fury and bit into Liam's shoulder, Liam cried out in pain trying to pry the creatures jaws away from his body.

Niall overcome with fear got up and took off in a sprint for the car, leaving Liam with the beast.

"Niall! NO! NIALL DON'T LEAVE ME!" Liam cried, his bloodied hands still trying to fight the hound away from him. With shaky hands, Liam slipped his fingers into the demons mouth and let a few grunts slip as he tried to dislodge the creature from his aching shoulder.
It wasn't working, he wasn't strong enough. With blood and saliva slicked hands, Liam felt his grip give way and a new sear of pain fill his chest as the creature dug its claws into his denim jacket, ripping the thick material into tiny shreds under its talonlike nails.

A sickening crunch and a wave of pain washed over Liam as the creature bit through the bones in Liam's shoulder and ripped away with a chunk of his bloodied flesh. Liam screamed in agony, trying to throw the soul starved creature from his torso.

A loud thwack echoed off the beasts skull when a large metal pipe made contact with its furry head. A loud growl rumbled from deep within the pit of the beast, causing Niall's face to contort in horror. Niall didn't have enough time to react before another loud thwack sounded, followed by the gurgle of air starved lungs as Niall sunk to his knees, trying to suck in a desperate breath through his slashed throat, windpipe exposed, gaping open.

"Niall?!....NIALL!" Liam cried, watching his friend drowned in his own blood. With a desperate look, Niall clamped his hand over the wound, rasping out his last few words to Liam, "L-Lee...m-m..." A sickening cluster of spit bubbles tinted with blood formed between Niall's fingers, the force he was exerting causing his fingers to act like a bubble wand as he heaved and gasped for air. "Ruh....n".

Niall turned to crawl, only getting as far as a few inches when Liam felt the sticky warm spray of blood wash over his face and clothes as Nialls head flew from his body, landing next to Liam's blood splattered white trainers. Those blue eyes Liam had come to love over the years blinked twice before glazing over, a distant look now filling the void on his face, mouth lax with trickles of blood pouring from it. Niall was dead.

Liam scrambled to his feet, backing away from his friends corps as the hungry hound tore into it, momentarily forgetting Liam was there, sickening sounds of ripping flesh filled his ears. It was too morbid and horrifying to look away from. Not grasping he was still in danger, the shock filled his mind as blood rapidly left his body from his gaping shoulder wound, light headed and dizzy, Liam ended up stumbling backwards and kicking the heel of his foot into the metal pipe Niall was holding just moments before. The force of his heel on it sent it clattering backwards across the pavement, causing the beast to snarl and stop his feast, a new target in mind. Liam.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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