Random Arranged Marriage Story I Did When I Was Bored (Ch.3)

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I got detention in school today. I know, I know. I was just warned yesterday about how I shouldn't get into trouble, and I've managed to sneak out, get hangover, and get detention in less than 48 hours.

It was for something totally stupid, too. Not even detention-worthy, if you ask me. Which I think they should, considering it's my life, not theirs. They didn't even ask for my side of the story! They just saw the cafeteria, and kinda... well... exploded.

'Kay, so, here's what happened...*the room gets all blurry as we go into flashback mode...* No, wait, stop! I have to say something first! Now that I have your attention, I just thought I'd go straight to the base of my semi-annoying "K" habit. I say 'kay, instead of okay. The reason for this is because I have heard many people saying "mmkay" and I find that semi-annoying. So, in a retarded attempt to annoy the 'mmkay' people, I decided to use 'kay'. So far, there's not much of an effect, but I will prevail! Mark my words; it will annoy them one day! I think, anyway.

'Kay, well, back to what happened...*everything goes blurry as we go into a flashback for the second time...*

La, la ,la ,la ,la...Where were we? Oh, right, lunch. So, from the other side of the lunchroom, some random guy, Ryan, I think, started chucking grapes at my head. They were just grapes, but it was still annoying. Surprisingly, I turned back around to face my friends, ignoring the continuing stream of purple fruit plummeting through the air. Next to me sat Samantha, across from me sat Nikki, and next to her sat Helen. On the other side of me was Andrew, and Colton was sitting beside Nikki.

In case you're wondering, then yes, Nikki and Colton are going out. And, no, Andrew and I are not. Currently, I'm single.

So, back to the Table (that's what we call the table we sit at; we sit at the same one every day), Helen and I started making fun of Andrew, who we thought liked Sammie. Eventually, it became clear that Andrew wouldn't break. Just as we all (except for Sam and Andrew) broke into a chorus of "Andy and Sammie sittin' in a tree..." Sam turned bright red and yelled, well, not yelled, but said loudly, so that we could all hear but not the entire school, "So what if I do like him?!"

Sammie quickly covered her mouth, but it was much too late. We had already heard. A very awkward silence quickly ensued.

"You like me?" Andrew asked.

Samantha nodded meekly, not even trying to cover up.

"I like you, too." said Andrew, and Sam looked up. "Wanna go out this weekend?" he asked.

Sammie smiled beautifully "Of course!"

Nikki and I went "Awww..." as they continued to stare at each other.

"Well, what do you know?" I said happily. "Teasing does have a purpose!"

Just then, an apple hit my head. "Ow!" I yelled loudly, and then turned around to see Ryan looking slightly scared.

Right before I got up, Colton reached over and grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Hold on." he said "Let it go. Trust me, Ryan's not worth it." Aha! So his name is Ryan! I was right! I was right! I was... getting an idea...a very evil idea...a very Grinchie idea...

And yes, I did say 'Grinchie'. You know, from 'Why the Grinch Stole Chrictmas'? Yeah, that's right; I make dorky movie references, too.

Anyway, I smiled sweetly at Colton. "You're right. It's not like he did this." I then proceeded to flick mashed potatoes at Colton's face. They hit right on target, hitting his nose and part of his left eye.

Needless to say, it turned into a food fight, which I got blamed for. Of course. *End flashback*

So, as you can see, it was not at all detention-worthy.

When I got home, I went straight up to my room.

Right before dinner, Reb came up to get me. "Mom and Dad want to see you," she said sadly. "And, Nat, just know that I'm so, so sorry. I already tried to convince them not to."

Now I was really worried. "What are they going to do to me, Reb? Is it that bad?"

Surprisingly, she didn't try to correct me. "Yes, it is bad. If you ever need someone to talk to, just call me, okay? I swear I'll be around. "

"What is it?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I can't tell you, Nat. I'm so sorry."

"Umm, okay, then, lead the way. May as well get it over with." I said.

Tears began to burn at Reb's face, and she hugged me. "This will never end," she told me, still fighting back tears.

I hugged back, and we went down the stairs in complete silence. I'm honestly just confused at this point. What can they possibly be planning to do?

We walked into the living room, where I saw my mom, my dad, two strangers who looked about their age, and a boy who looked about my age.

"Rebecca, Natalie, take a seat." my dad said while motioning to the couch. We sat down, and Reb took my hand. What are these people doing here? I wondered as my mom began talking.

"Natalie, I'd like you to meet our good friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harper, and their son Drake."

"Nice to meet you." I said nicely. Or, at least as nicely as I could, considering my confused state of mind.

They nodded and smiled, as their son, Drake, glared at me.

"Now, Natalie, we would like to talk to you about detention." Okay, so far, so good. "Getting detention like that is not acceptable for a daughter of someone in your father's position. For that reason, we think it's time for you to buckle down. Tonight, you'll be moving in with the Harpers. As of now, you're engaged to Drake."

"Wait, what?!" I said. "NO!! That's not possible! I can't!! NO!!" This could not be happening! It just couldn't! It was only one detention! Not even a week!

"Yes, Natalie. I'm sorry, but we're afraid we have no choice. Go upstairs and pack your things."

Just as I was about to scream again, Rebecca pulled me away and up the stairs.

In my room, we packed everything up as Reb consoled me. We both cried and apologized, which on one hand was good. On the other, it was kinda only because I was in an arranged marriage, which wasn't as great. Still, it was good to have my sister back...too bad it had to happen right before I was ripped away from her, and the rest of my life.

By the time I got into the limo they had brought for me, there were tears streaming down my face, and as we pulled away, I fell into a confused, worried, deep sleep, hoping that this would all be a bad dream when I woke up.

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