To Harry's belief, Luke answered before he could even open his mouth, and it made his blood boil."Melanie is. See you later, Harry."

Without a word, Harry walked towards the school and pushed through the double doors; a pensive look on his face as he moved down the hallway. He couldn't believe he was jealous of the fact that right now Luke could be asking out Louis, and he wished that he had the guts to do that, or to have simply just stayed. Liam came up from behind him with a wide smile, unaware of the prominent frowning Harry was currently doing.

"So, how'd it go?"

"Luke's gonna ask him out for dinner, and I'm too much of a wimp to do anything about it. What if Mr.Tomlinson says yes? Then they'll be dating, and their ship name would be something disgusting like - Lolu." rambled Harry, and he hasn't been this upset about something in a long time. Maybe this crush on Louis couldn't be a good thing for anyone, not even himself.

"Okay, one, it's Hemlinson." Harry gave Liam a mulish look. "Sorry, Urie and I were literally just talking about it. Anyways, there is no possible way that he could say yes to Luke. Who did he kiss?"

Harry sighed. "Me."

"Who's the guy that doesn't let obstacles get in the way of what he wants?" asked Liam encouragingly, clasping his hand on top of Harry's shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. This gesture of reassurance made Harry smile, though he tried to hide it by turning his head the other way.


"Exactly! Even if he does end up going with Luke, I'm sure that he's smart enough to realize that he's no good." replied Liam wholeheartedly. "Oh, and I think that I might be gay. Anyways, catch up with you later-!"

"What?" asked Harry with surprise, grabbing onto the back of Liam's shirt when he saw that the man was trying to run away. He hoped that Liam didn't say what he think he just said because that would only mean one thing- "I won't be the gay friend anymore! C'mon, Liam. Couldn't you have played straight until my ego deflated? Tell me how you came to this conclusion."

Even though this happened to be a serious moment, Liam threw his head back and laughed buoyantly, cupping Harry's cheeks together and patting them with his hands. "Okay, well, I was with Danielle and we were out for dinner. I saw this man, he works there, and he had such a beautiful face. When my dick went up, I knew that my relationship was going down. So I talked to Danielle about it and-"

"Only you would talk to your girlfriend about a gay experience."

"Guilty as charged, but she wasn't angry." retorted Liam fastidiously, swiping his hand in front of Harry's face as if getting rid of the statement. "In fact, she broke up with me. She told me that it was hard being together when we worked in different districts, and that I should be given time to explore and find what I was looking for."

Harry was in awe, to say the least, because Danielle was such a sweet girl and he wouldn't be able to find a single person in this world that would do what she did. He hoped that the two would still keep in contact because, regardless of the breakup, she made Liam happy; and seeing Liam happy meant that everyone else was happy - well, if you call 'everyone else' Harry. "She's a gem."

taming mr.tomlinson [larry stylinson] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now