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     "Hello, welcome to the meeting!" said Harry cheerfully as the teachers moved inside of the office space, which was where they have held most of their wild meetings because they were too lazy to have it anywhere else. Every person that came through the door smiled at Harry or gave him some kind of greeting that made his heart soar, but his heart quickly deflated as Luke walked through the door with a sinister smirk, taking in Harry's appearence like he was the predator and Harry was the prey.

     It's not like Harry didn't know he looked good tonight with his black slacks that hugged his legs because he didnt like things that weren't skinny, as well as his white button up, and he purposely left one unbuttoned since it made him feel free. He wanted to make a good first impression on the new teacher when he came walking through that door, and he wasn't going to let Luke steal his thunder tonight. "Horton, you've cleaned up. I thought that I've already called dibs on this Mr.Tomlinson guy."

     "I don't want to sleep with the guy, Luke , and you shouldn't want to neither. Now go inside and go change the playlist to hip songs. Mr.Winchester is about to kill everyone with his dancing to this oldie if we don't do anything about it now." said Harry in a whisper as they both looked over to the side of the room where Mr.Winchester was dancing terribly, his knees moving in and out while at the same time being off beat. Luke rolled his eyes and said 'roger that' before squeezing Harry's shoulder like he use to do when they were together and walking over to the speakers.  Harry felt the need to burn his shoulder.

     "This party blows."

     Harry's head snapped back towards the front of him, and green eyes met blue in only a split second. There was a guy standing directly in front of Harry who looked several inches shorter than him, and he had a really nice face structure from what he could tell since his tan skin acted as an outline for every single defined part of his face. The man's eyes were round but squinty with confusion as he looked past Harry's shoulder at Mr.Winchester dancing and the teachers surrounding him like it was some kind of prayer circle. "I worked hard on this meeting, and it is not a party."

     "Well, this meeting sucks." said the man with a sympathetic smile as he patted Harry on his chest, and Harry found himself pouting at the amount of judgement that he was recieving right now about this party he worked so hard on to make perfect. He was about to tell the guy what exactly was on his mind when he spoke again, holding his hand out in front of Harry nonchalantly. "I'm Louis Tomlinson, the new literacy teacher. You must be-"

     Harry's eyes widened and he quickly began to shake Louis' hand like a maniac, and he wondered how someone this tiny can be qualified as a teacher. It's not that being tiny didn't work on Louis because it actually fit his frame very nicely if he does say so himself, and Louis looked like he could pull off absolutely anything, even with the bookbag he was wearing. Harry doesn't remember the last time he has ever saw someone this way since he dated Luke, but it felt nice. "Harry Styles, the calculus teacher of this grade. Hi, I didn't think you'd be this-"

     Louis stared at him as he looked for the right word to use.


"Ah, well, I didn't think you'd be this annoying. Life is full of surprises." responded Louis, pushing past Harry so that he could walk into the room, and Harry didn't know how to feel at this point. He didn't think that his approach would come off negative, and this was the first time in a while he had a negative interaction with someone. The feeling was unbearable, and so he quickly ran to Louis' side as they walked towards Principal Plowster, and Louis gave him a weird sideways glance. "May I help you again, Harry?"

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