New Home & People

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Chapter 10

I arrived in front of a cottage to find a few people looking around. I walked up to a group of people in front of the cottage like a few old people and a few people that looked my age and one that I knew already but was surprised to see, it was Viktor Krum.

“Hello my name is Charlie Weasley and I will be showing you around the centre were you will be studying and training dragons. Any questions” he said

I put my hand up “Yes and what is your name” he asked eyeing me up and down

“Serenity Wood and I was wondering is you had siblings named Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny because I know them” I asked smirking

“Yes there my younger siblings and I recognize you very well from Fred’s photos. Okay meet me tomorrow morning in front of the centre at 9am” he said walking away towards Dumbledore I groaned at the comment he made about the pictures. They were with me and the twins and Ron taking pictures a couple years back at the Burrow.

When Dumbledore left he told me that I should write to everyone soon and he would be sending me Skylar soon, I really missed my eagle I didn’t see him much just for food.

I walked into the kitchen trying to find tea but no such luck it seemed, apparently the house elves would be here tomorrow morning when we wake up. I turned around to find a very cut guy standing in front of me now looking like he was blushing

“Hi sup, I’m Dylan”

He was super sexy to my standards he had a grey shirt on that showed he had nice muscles, he was tall about 5’10, brown scruffy hair, hazel eyes, and alabaster skin tone. I noticed him also checking me out which I didn’t mind.

“I’m Serenity but just call me Serena, do you know were the tea is”

I asked looking around trying not to stare at his buff body. He reached behind me and grabbed a pack of tea.

“Thanks, so what kind of stuff or you going to do at the centre” I felt his body heat near me but moved over to the stove to make us tea

“I want to learn how to tame dragons and ride them. How about you” he asked watching me playing with my fingers until the kettle started whistling.

“I want to raise dragon eggs and help them hatch also raise the babies before they go with the big ones” I said putting tea in a couple mugs.

We started to chat about our schools he came from Salem Institute and is year 7, he has a very cute American accent unlike my British accent its so bland a few others came in, we introduced our selves. Each was from all around and of course one person I knew Viktor.

The Group:

Dylan Penski: Salem Institute Year 7

Anne Boudreau: Beauxbaton Year 6

Viktor Krum: Durmstrang Year 7

Josh Samuels: Brazilian Year 5

We were all talking till dinner which was delivered to us, it was a full vegetarian dinner I have to say very delicious.

“So Viktor, why aren’t you playing Quidditch not that I mind having an old friend around” I said laughing

“Vell I have taken a break I vant to learn sumzing new beside Quidditch” he said winking at me.

“Tell that to my brother because he would have a mental breakdown without Quidditch, which I wouldn’t mind” I said and we all started to laugh.

The rest of the night we all got to know one another and became a very small family but I noticed the Dylan kept looking at me and the others noticed I think.

Serenity Wood's Life at Hogwarts RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now