Christmas/Time To Move On

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Chapter 7


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 day before Christmas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well it has been about 3 months for me and Fred dating, we’ve been great together only having little fights but nothing major. Everything is the way it was before summer holidays. I’m always playing pranks with the boys and we haven’t done much with each other just a lot of snogging and date’s.

I was packing up my things for Christmas holidays, my family wanted me over for Christmas but Oliver won’t be there just a bunch of cousins. Fred has yet to meet my parents which I hope he will before the holiday ends.

I finished my packing and went down to the common room. I went there and found George and Fred talking, I went behind the couch to listen “Fred if you’re not into her than you should tell her instead of leading her on” “I can’t bro I thought I loved her but were just better as best friends.” I knew this would happen sooner or later us breaking up. He doesn’t look at me the same anymore just sadness and honestly I didn’t care and it didn’t hurt “well Fred if that’s how you feel then will break up and be best friends again” I said in a monotone voice, it hurt to know we wouldn’t be together anymore but I want to be friends still “I’m sorry Serena I just don’t feel happy anymore” Fred looked sad but it didn’t matter we were friends before and will be after “well I guess then you wont meet my parents as my boyfriend, that’s one less thing to stress about.”

We all left the common room; I went to the Great Hall and found the trio plus Neville. I squished in between Neville and Harry “hey cousin you still coming for the holidays with the others” I asked “yup do I still crash in your room” “well only if Harry doesn’t come for a visit” I winked at Harry “am I still invited to come” Harry asked “of course, my parents still love you even though were friends now” “wont Fred be there” he asked confused “nope we broke it off just a bit ago.” With that Neville and Harry gave me a huge hug “guy’s c-cant b-b-breathe” I said breathless, they let go and I gave them both a peck on the cheek. This will be a great holiday.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next day on the train~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I went to sit in a compartment with Harry; we were always close even when I had other boyfriends I could talk to him as if we still dated. Today I was wearing a toque; DC stripped ¾ sleeve sweater, ripped jeans, and black converse shoes. I had my head in Harry’s lap and he was playing with my curl I had put in. “Harry why do you think me and Fred never worked out” I blurted out “I don’t know maybe because you’ve been friends forever and just couldn’t a just to being a couple” he said peering out the window.


It was silent for awhile till Harry started mumbling something “Serena why did we not work out as a couple I need to know” he asked I thought about it but I had to be honest “mostly because when we were together it seemed you rather be with Ron and Hermione than me at times. We would fight many times but it always ended up in tears. Also because it was a boring relationship it was never exciting probably because I didn’t let you kiss me, I blamed myself for everything” I said thinking back when we would try something but I couldn’t let it happen. I looked up to see Harry start to lean down “may I ask what your doing Mr. Potter” I looked up at him ‘I had to ruin the moment muahahaha’ I thought. “I wanted t-to kiss you just to s-see what it would be like” he mumbled with a blush.

I pulled the curtains down on the windows so nobody could see what we were going to do. I turned to look at a confused Harry “well you wanted to kiss me right” I said. I sat across from him. I put my ipod on so I started to listen to Set Fire to Rain by Adele. I felt a breath on my lips I opened my eyes to see Harry leaning in closer. He smashed his lips on mine and it was amazing nothing likes me and Fred kissing, this was a whole new experience, I put my fingers in his hair to pull him closer. He bit my bottom lip and I gasped, he took the opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. Our lips started to move in sync. He pushed me down on the bench and climbed on top of me. I started to moan at his forcefulness.

He started to move his hands up my shirt to grab my breast, I couldn’t do this not have sex right on the train not again so soon. I pulled back from the kiss he looked disappointed “I’m sorry I j-just cant right now not like this” I said “that’s why you wanted to break up so easily with Fred because you want Harry back” I turned to see George “w-when d-d-d-did y-you get here G-G-George” I stuttered ‘so embarrassing’ I thought “I don’t know when you started moaning under Harry” he said with pure disappointment. He walked out the compartment.

I ran after him and pulled him into another empty compartment “George with me and Harry we have history and plus I didn’t mean for any of that stuff to happen I don’t want to have sex right there or anything I was stopping it when it went to far” I said “yet you let Fred take your virginity 2 nights ago, yes that’s right love I know you slept with him and he’s hurt that you let him go like that” he said with discussed. Yes I had sex with Fred Weasley and it was the biggest mistake I made.


We ran into a broom closet and went into a secret room that we found a few nights ago. We started to make out and taking each others clothes off “are you sure you want to love” Fred asked with concern “I’m positive Fred I want you to take me” I said with lust.

We stripped naked and lay down on a bed of grass. That night I lost my virginity to Fred. That night when I went back to the common room I regretted it because I really wasn’t ready”

End of Flashback


“Are you listening to me Serena I said that you and Fred shouldn’t be together” I looked at him with confusion “what do you mean” “I mean that you two shouldn’t have started to date then have sex so soon because I bet you regret it like Fred. You both weren’t ready” he rambled.

I went back to the compartment to find Harry sleeping against the window. I started to think about the events that happened with me and Fred and me and Harry. Then I felt myself get sick.

A/N Hey everyone sorry I havnt been writing but I’m dealing with a family issue so I’ll try and right as mush as possible. But what do you think will happen with Serena and Fred and Serena and Harry? VOTE, COMMENT, BECOME A FAN!!

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