Bloody Git

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Chapter 3

It has been a week since the incident I felt dirty for what happened not because I punched him but because I let him take away my first kiss. I didn’t tell my mum or papa what happened, not even Oliver. They would come in to give my food and tell me that Skylar had letters for me but not one from Fred. My parents would tell my that George came to see me but I told them to say ‘I’m busy having a life’ but they never did just that I was sleeping.

One letter that came today was a letter from Dumbledore

Dear Serenity Luna Wood,


   The first weekend of the school term we are holding a school wide dance. We have already booked a band to play but the downfall is they do not have a singer. It would be a great honor to have you perform with them. Please send me a letter back with your answer.

All you must do is set up a list of songs, practice and the band will also accompany your practices.


                                                     Sincerely Albus Dumbledore


I pondered this option and decided to write back

Dear Headmaster,


I would be honored to perform for the dance as long as I can dress how I would like and pick what ever songs I like.


           Serenity Luna Wood


I called over the school owl and told her to give it to ‘Albus Dumbledore’. I went over to my laptop to find some music that would reflect my love, betrayal, and hate for Fred Weasley to get him back ‘yes I’m a very fickle vengeful girl, sue me’ I picked my 12 songs and started packing for Hogwarts and I’m making sure I look new, fresh, and fine.

In front of the train…


“Come on I have to go Oliver I’ll see you at Christmas” I said while he suffocated me in a death hug “I will still miss you, you make everything bloody brilliant when your there” he finally release me and I took my things and got on the train. I waved good bye and I was off to Hogwarts.

I wandered down the lane to find an empty compartment and finally found one. I slid the door open and sat beside the window. I looked through my zebra messenger bag and found my ipod. I put one ear bud in and played a muggle band called Paramore ‘Monster’. I heard a throat clear and I turned my head to find the twins ‘bloody flipping great’ I felt one sit beside me and the other in front “he Serenity how have you been?” I heard George ask I didn’t look at him but at George his black eye looked a week old but he kept staring at me and I just glaring outside “the usual you know getting ready for school talking with friends” I said while a tear threatened to come but I sucked it up and kept my wall up. “I know what happened and I want-“ I cut him off “nothing happened Georgie nothing so just drop it and if you want to talk to me talk about anything but Fred and other bloody gits!” with that I heard Fred slam the compartment door shut so me and George sat in silence.

Serenity Wood's Life at Hogwarts RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now