We Just Never Worked Out Alright!?

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Chapter 8

I started to feel really sick and throwing up in the washroom “Serena is you okay” Harry asked. George and Harry ran after me when I went to the washroom “when we get off the train I have to go to St. Mungo’s, George do not say anything to Fred please” I said pleading “No problem lovely just owl me when you know what’s wrong with you” and he walked off. “Serena I’ll go to the hospital with you okay” Harry said with concern “thanks but I want my mum with me to okay” I said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Hospital~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Alright Ms. Wood please pea in this and we can see if you are or not” the nurse spoke. I went to the hospital and taking a pregnancy test. I was in the bathroom and urinated in the cup putting the lid back on when I was done. The nurse took the cup and walked out the room, Harry was in the room with me “Harry what if I am I don’t want to be a mother, I shouldn’t of had sex with Fred I new I wasn’t ready but I just had to go against how I felt” I said crying, I rested my head on Harry’s shoulder “I’ll be here every step of the way no matter what” he said and we were silent.

“Congratulations Ms. Wood you are a few days pregnant” the nurse spoke ‘PLEASE GET RID OF IT I DON’T WANT IT PLEASE! I screamed, I was shaking in my moms arm “well we can do a muggle abortion but are you sure” “YES!” I said with out thinking. My mother looked at me with glassy eyes “now honey you can give it up for abortion” my mom tried to change my mind but there was no buts I wanted it gone and that’s what happened that day I got an abortion.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in the study writing some letters to people and I wrote one to George telling him what happened but to keep it silent and burn the letter after and write a separate one telling me he received my letter. I went down to the kitchen to find Harry cooking some eggs and my mom telling him she could do it “hey what are you guys doing” I asked walking to the island “just making myself food” Harry replied “oh cool well I’m not hungry I was just wondering if you wanted to head to the Weasleys and hang out.” Harry looked over to me with a look of concern “are you sure you want to go and see Fred there” “look it never happened the baby thing never happened the sex never happened got it!” I snapped but told him ‘sorry’.

We got ready to head over to the burrow for the day then we can head back here. I put on yoga pants, moccasins, grey striped sweater, and grey beanie. Harry just wore a sweat, jacket, and sneakers with a Gryffindor scarf.

We went by floo network and landed in the Weasley fireplace “anybody home” I yelled out. We walked over to the kitchen and found Molly working on lunch “hello Molly” I said and she turned around with a big smile “well hello Serena and Harry so glad you 2 could make it over here how is it going” she asked while hugging us “its good were just doing whatever at my place it’s pretty boring” I said with a smile “well everyone is outside plying Quittage so go on I’m making lunch” she said shooing us out.

We got outside and snuck out to the side to watch the playing intently “you can do better then that Ron!” I yelled and they all stopped playing to look at us in surprise. They all rushed over to hug us but the one that didn’t was Fred and I didn’t care “Serena I need to speak to you” George said and I understood. We walked up to his room and he shut the door sound proofing it “so I got your letter” George said sitting on the bed “yes and like I said to everyone that asked, there was no baby, sex, or anything” I said with a cold tone “you can’t just forget about your first time and then getting an abortion without Fred knowing” he said just as cold “well Fred has nothing to do with this, he didn’t want me anymore and I was fine with it because it was to good to be true, being happy with him” I said almost crying. George just stared at me like I was a monkey “so you’re going to deny everything about what happened between you and Fred” “yes” I snapped and walked out.

When I did Fred was right there “oh sorry I’m going down stares” Fred grabbed my wrist “no don’t we need to talk about that letter you sent George” I looked at him “no there’s nothing to say there was no baby, sex, or anything we just never worked out” I whispered and walked away “but I will tell you this I’m not going to date anyone for a very long time and I’m changing how I am and what I look like, it’s time for a change” and I walked down to have lunch with my favorite gingers.

A/N so this was pretty crappy but I needed a filler chapter because this story will fast forward to the battle at Hogwarts after the summer


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