Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Aram
She stands there looking dumbfounded, of course she does, she don't know who I am. I, however, am not surprised, it was only a matter of time. I couldn't guard the mirror in my condition and she was bound to notice eventually. "Mara please." I beg her but I know it's in vain, I'd i can't get back through then I know she can't, she don't even know where she is. It's like one sided glass, now that she's here, she can't leave. "Who are you?" I sigh. "It's kind of hard to explain." Suddenly, the very voice I was dreading sounds from the doorway, "No. She can't be here. No. Please, I finally got us a chance in front of the counsel." I gape at his words. "I thought you were looking for the portal." He seems taken aback by this, "of course I was." Mara looks back and forth between us. "I don't know what's going on here, but it's obvious that I'm not suppose to be here, so you've got about five seconds to start explaining before I run out of this cottage screaming." She places her hands on her hips.

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