"No, well yes, but that's not the only reason.... It reminds me too much of my sister. She even had the same cancer as Hazel." I say in a whisper and Kyoya hugs me tightly.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything is okay. Okay?" He asks and I yawn starting to fall asleep.

"Okay." I say and slip into a deep sleep with no dream, but comforted by his presence. 

~~the morning~~

I slowly open my eyes and smile seeing Kyoya. I kiss his cheek and slowly remove him arms from around my waist and walk to the kitchen and make breakfast. While the bacon is in the oven and I'm making pancakes Kyoya walks in and yawns.

"Morning." He says his voice a bit deeper than normal as it is the morning.

"Morning, are you hungry? I'm almost done." I say and he wraps his arms arouns my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Love you." He says.

"Love you too." I say with a smile.

"You know you grew up in france, but why don't you have a french accent?" He asks and I giggle.

"I do silly. I just surpress it." I say.

"Can I hear you talk with a french accent?" He asks and I smile.

"Sure." I think for a moment and fugure it would be easiest to just speak in french. "Tu es mon soleil." I say in my heavy french accent.

"What does that mean?" He asks.

"You are my sunshine." I say and divide the pancakes up eavenly handing him his plate with pancakes and bacon . "Here you go." I say and kiss his cheek. We sit next to eachother at the table and start eating.

"I didn't know you could cook." He says and takes a bite of a peice a bacon.

"My mom and my sister often got very sick. I started leaning to cook when I was 7 to help out my mom. I got pretty good at it over the years." I say.

"Have you ever gotten really sick?" He asks and I nod.

"Yup. Not fun." I say.

"What did you have?" He asks.

"A brain tumor." I answer.

"What? Who old were you?" He asks.

"I had just turned 9 when the doctors found it. I was 11 when they removed all of it. Well most of it. Once I was 11 it was huge and part of it was too close to my brain stem to remove." I say and he nods.

"Good thing you're better now." He says and I nod.

"Yeah." I say with a smile. We finish our food and put them in the dish washer.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I ask Kyoya and I swear on my life I heard him mumble 'you'.

"What was that?" I ask.

"You can pick." He says, clearing his throat.

"Mhmm. " I say and he chuckles.

"How about we just have kinda a lazy day, where we don't really do much. but still enjoy ourselves." I say and he nods.

"Perfect." He says with a faint smile. We both sit down on the couch in the living room and watch TV. I sit down next to him and he pulls me onto his lap and I smile. I nearly scream of excitement, cry and just smile really widely when I see all of Sherlock is on today.

"We're watching this." I say.

"Why? What's it about?" He asks.

"Just shut up and watch!" I say.

~at the end of season 2~

"Nooooo! Why Sherlock?! Why?!?! I loved you Sherlock! Why must you crush my heart like this!? How could you do this to John!? " I say crying.

"You have seen the 3rd season right?" Kyoya asks me.

"Of course! It doesn't mean I'm not going to cry my heart out when ever I watch Sherlock fall. I'M NOT STABLE ENOUGH FOR THIS!" I say. Kyoya chuckles and hugs me.

"Well I'm gad I have my blogger." He says.

"Pft, I'm more Sherlock than John. Do you even know Sherlock's full name?" I ask.

"Sherlock Holmes?" He says.

"No, it's William Sherlock Scott Holmes. Do your research." I say, smiling.

"Nerd. I look like him and I, arguably, sometimes act like him." He says and I sigh seeing he is right.

"Ugh, you're right." I say and he kisses my forehead.

"Where would I be without my blogger?" He asks.

"I cold hearted asshole. I would be too though if I didn't have my high-functioning sociopath." I say and we both laugh. I lean my head back to look at him and he smiles down at me and I smile back at him and he kisses me.

"Love you." I mumble into he kiss.

"Love you too." He says and pulls away smirking. 

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Then cut it out." I say and poke his cheek.

"What got you watching brittish shows?" He asks changing the topic.

"Oi! Don't change the topic!" I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"Did you just say 'oi'?" He asks. 

"I watch wayyy to much BBC huh?" I ask him and we both laugh. My phone goes off and I look at the caller ID, Tamaki. I groan and answer it.

"What do you want?" I ask. 

"Grandmother called. She's coming over today." He says.

"Ugh, are you kidding me? Telling us day of? She is such an asshole." I say and hang up.

"My grandmother is coming over today." I say to Kyoya and his smile fades.

"Good luck with her." He says and kisses me. 

"I don't want to see her, I don't want to leave." I pout.

"I know, but it's only one day of her and you can text or call me any time and i will be right over to either join you are finding a way to get you away." He says and I sigh.

"Thank you, I guess I have to leave now. Bye Kyoya." I say and kiss his cheek and call for a car to come pick me up. It soon arrives and I slide into the back. So much for a nice day with Kyoya...

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