How much did I hit at the tree with my head??
What the hell am I thinking!?

"Let me remember you that you saved my life first!!" he said.

I smiled at him.

He laied on the bed, I was still sitting.

"What will happen when you and Kendall will leave? Will we stay friends?" he asked.

"Niall this is the most stupid question you have ever asked me!!! Of course we will be friends!" i responded.

He smiled.

"I will visit England every week and i will call you every day!!" i added.

"You can't call me because you don't have my number!" he said jokingly.

"Damn, pizza boy give me your phone number!" I said smiling.

"Acully I am not allowed to do that, but who cares!?!!" he said and winked at me.

He write his number in my phone and i gave him my phone number.

"Soooo" he said and stood up.
"Am not gonna desturbe you anymore!" he said and he took a plate and empty cup.

"You aren't desturbing me." i responded.
I didn't want him to leave, but he just smiled and left the room.

I went to read a book before i go to sleep.

Kendall's p.o.v
Hailey is okay.
Everything is okay.
I will leave her to get rest, she is tired and confused.
I will talk with her tomorrow.

I was sitting in the kitchen. Thinking about things...

Harry came in the kitchen and he said "Kendall? Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, yeah I am fine, i just..." i said

"Just what? he continued.

"I was thinking about what happend last days! Without your support I probably will never make it trough! You are my light in the dark! You helped me survive this hard days!" I said to him.

He smiled.

I stood up and went to take a glass of water.

I was about to take a sip, but Harry took glass from my hand and he put it on the table.

What is he doing?

Harry kissed me!
Omg he kissed me.
He acully kissed me.
Okay okay chill, but he kissed me!!!!

God i am not normal!

I broke the kiss.
Why the hell i broke it?

"I am wondering why i deserved those kind words?" he asked.

"I am wondering why i deserved that kiss?" I said naughily.

"I am sorry, i umhm....i mean if you don't like it..."

I started laughing.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" he changed our convercation.

"Sure, which one!?" i asked.

"You chose!" he responded.

"Okay let see what is on TV tonight!" i said back to him.

We turned on the TV.

Niall came in the living room.

"Hey Niall do you want to watch a movie with us?" i asked.

"Umm, okay" he said.

He sat next to Harry.

Niall's p.o.v
I sat next to Harry on sofa and i started thinking to ask Hailey if she wanna watch with us.

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