Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"So I have a question," Ariel said while eating her third burrito. "What," I asked leaning on the counter in front of her. "So I know this is kind of late and all but do you want to move in with me?" I was kind of taken back by her question but I definitely knew my answer. "I thought I was already moved in?"

"Well you kind of are but I wanted to make it official."

"Ok then yes I will like to move in."

"Then it is official," she said stuffing her face some more. "So since it's official what do I get?"

"You get to clean up and cook me food whenever I want."

"You got jokes."

"I know right I should be comedian."

"Hurry yo ass up your appointment in an hour," I said going to get dressed.

Soon we were dressed and ready to go. Ariel was dressed in some black tights and a t-shirt since she claimed none of her clothes fit anymore. Makes since she was almost three months and was starting to show. I loved that she was showing cause it meant everything was real.

"O Kameron stop at sonic and get me an Oreo and M&M blast extra whipped cream," Ariel said when I was almost to the hospital. I knew I shouldn't have but I just couldn't say no to her so stopped. "You know eventually Imma have to put yo ass on a diet, right?"


"I can show you better than I can tell you." She mumbled something and then looked out the window sucking on her shake. When we got to the hospital I checked her in and waited to be called. I noticed Air got real quiet and I wondered why. "What's up with you," I asked grabbing her hand. She snatched it away, "Nothing."

"Did I do something?" she didn't answer me but just looked straight ahead. "I know you heard me." her name was called and just got up and walked away. I sighed and followed behind her. "You know the drill change into this gown and lay on the table until the doctor comes to see you." She nodded and then and she left. "Ariel what the hell is going on!"

"Nothing Kameron just the fact that you think I'm fat! I wouldn't be this way if you would keep yo dick in yo damn pants!"

"I never said you were fat."

"Oh really so you just decided I needed to be on a diet for no reason?!"

"I said you need to be on a diet to make sure you and the baby stayed at good health."

"So now I'm not in good health?"

"Ariel I just know letting you keep all the junk food you eating is not healthy and I'm not going to sit back and watch it happen. I can't lose you not when it's something I can control so you can be mad at me all you want but I'm not going to stand by let shit happen. So get mad all you want but honestly I am not going to stop." She looked at me for a second and then turned around and stripped down and put on the gown and laid down. I knew she was probably still mad but if I had to be the bad guy then I would.

"Alright are we ready to see the little one," doctor said coming into the room smiling. We nodded and she propped Air up and exposed her belly. Ariel turned to me and held out her hand for me to hold it. I got up and held her hand as the doctor examined her. "Wait a minute," the doctor said moving the thing around. "What is it," Air asked looking nervous. "Well, it looks like there are more than one of them. Congratulations you are having twins!" I almost fainted when I heard that. "So we are having two babies," I asked trying to believe it. She nodded her head yes and I had the biggest smile ever. "Do you want to know the sex," she asked looking up at us. "No, not until they are born," I said before Ariel could say anything. She looked at me and mugged me and then turned back to the screen.

When we were done we headed back home so I could cook dinner and me and Air could have date night. Ariel went to strip and a take a nap and I went straight to the kitchen. Again someone knocked on the door so I went to answer it. I opened the door and it was a guy dressed in a black suit. "Can I help you?"

"You Kameron Wright?"

"Yea who asking?"

"No one this is for you," he said handing me an envelope with no address or anything. I opened the letter and it was a note addressed to me.

Look son I know you want to find me but you need to stop. Things are going to happen and I don't want you involved, just stay low and let me handle this.

I looked up and just sat down trying to figure out what the hell was going on. One thing I did know my father was definitely alive.

Ariel POV

I was lying in bed waiting for Kameron to finish cooking when my phone went off. it was an unknown number but I answered anyway.

Me: Hello

Unknown: We need to talk

Me: Mom?

Unknown: Yea it's me

Me: What do you want

Mom: Meet me at the old park and come alone

Before I knew it she hung up and I was left trying to figure out what to do. I sighed and got up and got dressed. "Where you going?" Kameron asked looking over his shoulder. "I'm going to get a piece of cake from the bakery, you want anything," I said coming up with something on the spot. He nodded no so I went out.

When I arrived at the park I saw my mom sitting on the bench. "What do you want," I asked sitting down beside her. "You need to tell your little boyfriend to stop looking for his dad."

"And why do I need to do that," I asked looking at her. "Because this thing is bigger than anything the two of you are ready for especially you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means if Kameron finds his father all hell will break lose and the normal life you are seeking will go out the damn window! He is causing too much trouble and he needs to stop."

"What kind of trouble?"

"I can't tell you that, just tell him to stop," was all she said before she got up leaving me speechless and confused. Something was going on and somehow me and Kameron had walked right into it.

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