Chapter 2: Aural High School

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"That's nice of you Baek. But Suho will be with me. Don't worry."

Suho. Why he sounds familiar?

We both came on the school. Suddenly someone shouted her name.


We both turned around and it's Junmyeon hyung.

"Gosh!! Lucky you didn't lost. You don't even have a phone."

"I came here with Baek. He helps me."

He looked at me and chuckled.

"So, you've met my friend."

She widened her eyes and looked at me. Junmyeon hyung chuckled.

"Yeah, my thought was right. So it's Junmyeon hyung that so call as Suho." I said.

Vel chuckled.

"Let's go and see the principle Vel." Suho hyung guide her.

"Wait, how did you get here?"

"I ride with my other friend."

"Chanyeol?" I said.

He nodded.

"You go to class Baek. I'll lead Velvet to the office."

I nodded and both of them left. Vel turned around to me.

"I'll see you later Baek." she waved at me before she left.

I smiled widely. She's so beautiful.

[Velvet's POV]

Suho and I came to the office and it's written Wu.

"Mr.Wu is inside. You can talk to him. He knows you here. I'll be waiting you here." Suho said.

I knocked the door and came in. An old man with tall figure standing. He turned around and looked at me. There's a tall guy with him. They looked the same.

"Sorry, am I interrupted?"

"No, I'm done talking." the younger boy said. "Dad, I'll talk to you later." he bowed and looked at him. I bowed back. He smiled and bowed too.

Wow, handsome.

"So you must be Ms.Xander."

"Yes Sir." I gave him my profile file.

He adjusted his glasses and read my profile.

"So I call you Velvet. Have a seat." he said.

I sat down infront of him.

"Hmm, okay. You can go to the class A 1-2 since this only available. You can pick any of the major after this. Have a discussion with your head teacher."

"Yes Sir. Thank you." I bowed and left his room.

"Oh, Velvet. You going to have special class for you to learn your Korean." he said before I left.

Well, he talk to me in English and I'm glad that I could talk to him. His secretary gave me the schedule. As what Suho said, he sited for me. I gave the schedule for him.

"Ahh, we're in the same class. Let's go."

"Aren't you suppose to be in class?"

He smiled.

"Yeah but since I'm the class President. The teacher allow me to go out anytime. Beside, I'm taking care of the school."

I nodded. Must be tough job as a great student. We came in the class. Suho knocked the door and both of us came. It was mathematics because I could see the symbols in the white board. I bowed to the teacher. Suho gave her the schedule to the teacher.

"Ahh, new transfer student. Please have a seat. Oh!! Before that, introduce yourself. Don't worry, just speak in English." she answered me in English.

I bowed to them.

"Hello, my name is Velvet Xander but you can call me Vel."

Some of the boys whistle and the girls whispering to each other. Okay, I felt uncomfortable.

"Quiet!! Now Vel, you may take a seat."

Suho already in his seat with a guy beside him. Awwh, where should I seat?


I turned around and surprisingly Baekhyun is here. So I came to his place and sat beside him.

"Seems like we're a seatmates." he whispered.

I smiled and nodded. What a good day for me to start.


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Byun Baekhyun's Diary | Special Story [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ