"Another vision? Let me guess, it had a girl in it that you fell head over heels over?"

"What! Where did you get that idea? Why would it include..." I give him a look over my shoulders, "am I that obvious?"

"Sadly yes...so come on. Tell me what you saw! Tell me!"

"Over breakfast alright? It's kind of a lot to take in."

"Fine." Even though my lips were pout, I still agreed to his wishes. We had been friends before we even learned how to walk. My parents loved to travel the world and explore different places which no human could ever go to, therefore I became stuck here, befriending this person. After the longest while of me glaring at the back of Ben's head, and him shifting side to side, we finally came to the dining room, and with literally a second to spare. Being the gentleman he is, my best friend opened the door for me, making sure I was inside first before coming in and shutting them himself.

"Where are my parents?" Only when I look up do I notice the room is practically empty with only a few maids standing by the door, probably waiting for our arrival.

"Did we come too late? Ben I am so sorry I-"

"No it is not because of you my lady." I turn my head away from the prince to see a maid dressed in white, who bared a remarkable resemblance to Mrs. Potts.

"Must be one of her children." In my mind remembered that Mrs. Potts had a whole bunch of kids, so it wouldn't be a surprise that I see them.

"Then where are they?" For some reason Ben's eyes glisten in disappointment, probably because he wanted to talk to them about something. Either way, we walked to the big rectangular marble dining table and took seats next to each other while the maids left to bring us our breakfast.

"So, now are you ready to talk Ben?" I was never really sure about how sensitive to be at certain moments, so most times, I just let the whole thing fly over my head.

"Yea, but you have to promise me not to freak out." He replies. When people usually answer like that, you know that it's going to be pretty bad.

"Don't worry, I'm all ears." Just to prove my point, I proofed myself into a giant ear, and leaned up against him, causing the prince to burst with laughter.

"Alright, I get it. Now can you please change back? I can't take you seriously as an ear." The words that came out of his mouth were muffled with chuckles, but I still understood what he said. I changed back to my previous form and leaned against the table while in my chair.

"Well, I saw kids from the Isle of the Lost in Auradon, fitting in and everything. Also, there was this one girl..." he looked at my excited expression before he continued, "She had bright green eyes and she was amazing, and gorgeous, and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down lover boy. Now, I'm sure the girl is probably as amazing as you say, but how are you planning to get her all the way from there," I point outside in the direction of the island, "to here?"

"I want to invite some of the kids from there to come live in Auradon, just to give them a shot at a normal life, and she will be one of them."

"Cool, but did you figure out whose daughter she was?"



"She's the daughter of Maleficent."

"Oh....OH." I put my head in my hands for a moment, making multiple of myself to massage my back, and pat my head, "You mean the super pysco evil queen's daughter?"



"Alright?! You're sure that you are okay?"

"Yea. I've gotten over it," things like 'worrying', were never really my thing. Probably comes from my dad, "So who are the parents of the others?"

"Well there's Cruella De Vil," Not bad, "Evil Queen," I can handle that, "and...Jafar." I felt my blood grow cold. I felt a lot of insults rise from my throat, however I stopped and contemplated for a bit. This must be hard on him too, because he has no one on his side in this. His good heart and optimism are the only things keeping him going. Even though I was mad, I wouldn't degrade him more than he already is. Let us just see and wait how this plays out, besides, I don't have phenomenal cosmic powers for nothing.

"Alright, that's fine. I admire you for trying to do this, and I will stick with you every step of the way. Just, make sure none of them get a hold of me, especially Jafar's child"


"You sure you can handle it?"

"I promise."

"Because I'm a girl you know, and frankly you are lacking in the muscle department."

"You know, I'm starting to think that giving you over won't be such a bad idea."

"You're going to leave a fragile, and defenceless girl to fend for herself?

"What fragile girl? All I see is a-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," and the usual bickering continued on and on, even when our food arrived. Now, my only concern is how he was going to break the news to his parents.

Three WishesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora