Chapter 1

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A.N: Okay, so this is a new story since 1. I am having a bit of writers block, and 2. I LOVE descendants. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: I don't own anything but least in this story.



"Get up Gem, we need to get fitted for our outfits this morning!" Even underneath my light blue quilt, I could still hear the booming voice of my best friend. Ever since I started to live in the castle with his parents, his shouting has been my daily wake-up call.

"Why don't you go by yourself?" For one split second I looked from beneath the covers to see Ben smiling down at me, dressed in a white dress shirt and jeans, with his brown hair neatly tamed and pale skin glistening. Now that he noticed that I was awake, the tugging war for my quilt began. This lasted for about 10 minutes until I gave up, tiredness getting the best of me.

"Get ready, my parents are expecting you to be at breakfast in 10 minutes." Ben says while having a mischievous grin on his face, his green eyes sparkling as if he was the God of Mischief himself.

"Oh my lamp! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I dash off my queen-sized sapphire bed as quickly as I can, not caring that I was only in a white t-shirt, which belonged to Ben, and my genie underwear.

"G, did you really steal another one of my tops?" Ben asks knowingly, raising an eyebrow as I franticly search through my mahogany closet for suitable clothes.

"Steal is such a strong word, don't you think? I prefer the term 'borrowing without permission'." With that said I run into the bathroom, almost slipping on the pearly white tiles, causing Ben to stifle a laugh. I shut the door behind me, locking it before putting on the hot water.

"If you really want big shirts, you can always ask one of the maids." He shouts through the door.

"But then it wouldn't smell like you."

"And exactly what is my scent?"

"Chocolate chips." With that I opened the door causing the prince to fall on his royal butt. I had put on a blue and black crop top which had 'MAGIC', and my regular black skinny jeans with my sapphire flats that curled at the toe. I walk right up to my mirror, and with a snap of my fingers, my hair transforms itself from its bird's nest, to glorious pitch black, which fades to sapphire blue at the edges, curls that fall over my shoulders, reaching mid-back that complimented my caramel coloured skin perfectly.

"I'm always amazed whenever you do that..." Ben's jaw dropped in awe, although he had seen me do this trick more than a thousand times.

"I guess since magic is scarce now, it became something to be fascinated about," I thought. Now, as for accessories, I put on my miniature lamp earrings and had my 2 golden bracelets, which was complimented with many gems, that adorned each of my arms. Too bad they refused to come off though.

"Close your mouth Benny-boo, it's time to go."

"Don't ever call me that, please."

"And why not? Your girlfriend gets to give you nicknames but not your best friend? I am wounded!" To emphasise my point, I instantly put my hand over my heart while locking my bedroom door behind me. No matter how long I lived here, the halls still seemed to endless, like the velvet carpets could go on forever.


"Hey, what's wrong? You know I was just joking right?"

"Yea, but something happened last night that..."

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