I clenched my fists and tried to concentrate on my breathing. This whole obscene charade was too much to take. I was tempted to cut loose right then and there with the Dark Power, but David put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle squeeze that managed to calm me down.

David motioned for us to join him in the corner.

"All right, team. Here's the plan. There's too many for us to assault at once. We're going to have use deception and guile. Follow my lead, stay behind me and-"

Just then, a handsome looking guard, who looked like he could have modeled for a men's magazine, approached us.

"I see you've got another recruit for our little operation," handsome guard said with a smile.

"That's right," David answered, "Where do you want us to take him?"

Handsome guard looked at us with an odd expression. I could tell that he wasn't buying our little act. He examined us up and down with a cold eye.

"You know I wasn't expecting any new brutes today. I'd better call the front gate and check," Handsome Guard said and pulled out a sleek silver cell phone.

"Oh, Forget this," I said and stepped in front of David. I summoned the Dark Power, slapped the phone out of handsome guard's hands and before he could managed a protest, I decapitated him with a judo knife chop. Handsome Guard's head rolled into the corner with his lips still moving. I noticed a shocked look on his face.

"Bloody Hell, Eliza, what are you doing?" Thomas said.

"Doing it my way. Cover Me" I said and ran to the conveyor belt. I used the Dark Power to break the Yeti's chains and free them. All around us shocked guards ran this way and that. Suddenly, a loud piercing alarm shattered the silence.

David and Thomas whipped out their Razor Phones and sent half a dozen photon blasts toward the catwalk.

The Yeti uttered cries of triumph and turned over their benches. They overpowered the guards and began smashing the conveyor belt. I shrieked my banshee war cry and ran deeper into the workshop. Everywhere around us chaos reigned. It was great.

Suddenly, the eggs on the conveyor belt shuddered and began hatching. Rising out of the eggs were the most horrific creatures. These were Etheric Beings and I couldn't use the Dark Power on them. Dozens of winged apparitions took flight.

"Eliza, watch out," Thomas screamed at me.

I did a quick combat roll and narrowly missed getting chowed on by a huge vampire bat that looked like it was crossed with a wasp. Thomas and David blasted the creatures with Photon blasts, but there were too many of them. We had to get out of this warehouse and we had to do it now.

David, Thomas, and I whipped out our Etheric Knives and with a snap of our wrists, activated them.

"Thomas, torch the eggs," I shouted.

Thomas streamed Dragon Fire at the eggs on the conveyor belt and with a whoosh they ignited into flames.

I ran down the line, smashing the chains of the captive Yeti.

"Come on, guys. Follow me," I said to the Yeti.

The Warehouse was going up in flames. We ducked as blue rifle rounds streaked through the air. The guards panicked and ran. Things were quickly spiraling out of control.

"Eliza, over here." David shouted to me and blasted out a window with his Razor Phone. We ran through the smoke and flames and climbed out of the window. We reached back and helped as many of the Yeti as we could.

Outside in the courtyard, dozens of guards unsheathed their rifles and ran towards us. David, Thomas, Yin and I ducked beyond a stack of wooden crates. The Yeti joined us.

David and Thomas lay down covering fire with their Razor Phones. Bullets and Photon Blasts raced through the air, turning the courtyard into a fierce ballet of death.

"We've got to get out of here," I said to David.

"Bloody Hell, do you think so?" Thomas said.

"The safety of the Yeti is our chief concern. We've got to protect them," David said.

It was then that I saw Yin stand up and walk out into the courtyard by herself. She looked calm, cool and collected. Bullets streaked by her. One even grazed her hair, but Yin paid no attention. She stood in the center of the courtyard and placed her hands on her hips. I saw her close her eyes

Yin raised her arms and blue swirling whorls of energy danced in them. She spun around quickly and turned into a whirling tornado of pure energy. The guards rifles flew out of their hands and turned into ashes. With a quick look at each other, the guards turned and ran out of the fortress.

Just then, Yin collapsed in a heap in the middle of the courtyard. She looked like she was unconscious.

"Yin!" I screamed and ran out to her. David and Thomas followed me. We reached Yin and I gently picked her up off the ground. Yin's eyes fluttered open.

"Did we stop them?" Yin said weakly.

"You did it, Yin. You saved us. You saved us all," I said.

David took out his Razor and did a quick med scan of Yin. He frowned when he saw the readings.

"She's suffering from exhaustion but she should be all right," David said.

I looked around. Out in the bay, I could see the slave galleon sailing away. I jumped to my feet.

"David, look the Grimm lord is getting away," I said and pointed to the bay.

"Bloody Hell, Eliza. Can't we just walk and call it a day. We saved the Yeti," Thomas said.

"Tom, if we don't stop that Grimm Lord, now then it will just come back and do this again," I said.

"Eliza, you've never gone up against a Grimm Lord before. They're nothing to be trifled with. I suggest we fall back and-" David said.

"Look, I don't care. I'm going after them, and if you two aren't coming with me then to hell with you," I said and ran out the gates.

To Be Continued

A Message from Trafton:

Hey Guys, if you're enjoying Eliza's adventures so far then please show your support and vote. It's the little star button on the top right of your screen. Thanks a lot and have a great day!

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