" this wind...its unusually strong and seems like it's gonna freeze everything" Toriko said

" I guess the reason the helicopter couldn't get any closer was because of these typhoon force winds" match said

" We should stay and move forward as a tightly knit group don't you think toriko-San" takimaru said

" that might be better " aiko said

" Yeah, I'll take the lead" toriko said " everyone follow after me"

" Zonge-Sama, what should we do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Zonge said "we're going to take the most comfortable route, however it's in the most difficult place on appearance only its actually simple"

" just what I expected from you Zonge-Sama! You're experience really helps!"

"My intuition from long years of role playing games tell me so"Zonge said

" you're using principles of experience from playing video games? Maybe we should try something else for once?"

" Come on let's go!"Toriko said

As they started walking

" they're completely frozen" takimaru said as he looked at the frozen bodies

" guess it's because they weren't wearing heavily cold resisting clothing " komatsu said

' this place...' Aiko though as she saw the frozen bodies ' this place gives me the creeps!' As Aiko slightly shivered.

" the strength of the wind has gotten even worse" Toriko said

" yeah I'm thinking maybe 30 meters per second" Aiko said

" with the wind it chill it feels like around 80 degrees" Toriko said

' I can see my breath everytime I let out a breath...' Aiko though ' this place it's getting colder everytime I take a step...'

" show some guts ram " match said " we're not gonna die in a place like this"

At that moment an two icicles went pass match almost hitting at ram as Toriko quickly caught it as Aiko caught the other.

" is that a sastrugi?"ram ask

"Yeah" Toriko said holding the large pice of ice"The surface of the snow gets sharpened by the wind and the edges form a pointed shape like this"

" Sastrugi are breaking off and Coming from upwind! Everyone be careful!" Aiko exclaimed as they heard the sound.

As they ice came hirdling all around them as match cut a few pieces that were headed at him, as takimaru did the same.

" Look out!" Aiko exclaimed as she quickly broke the pieces that were aimed at komatsu.

" Ai-chan!"komatsu said

" it's all good!"Aiko said as she smiled

"Aiko! Komatsu!" Toriko said as he destroyed a few ice that were aimed at them

" you saved me!" Komatsu said

" thanks Toriko-kun!" Aiko said

As they continued to move forward as it looked like night fall as Toriko stopped for a minute.

"Let's take a break here" Toriko said

As Toriko used knife and fork to make a big space for them to set camp. As komatsu was wrapped in a sleeping bag trying to get warmth.

" komatsu" Aiko said as she put her hands up releasing a gentle warmth to komatsu " how's does it feel? "

" Ahh that feels good Ai-chan I feel warmer already" komatsu said as he smiled.

" that's good, I'm glad It helps" Aiko said

" can you two drink? Here I warmed it up a bit " takimaru said handing both of them the hot milk beverage.

" thanks takimaru-San" Aiko said

" thank you very much" komatsu said as he took a sip " it's delicious!"

" it really warms you up" Aiko said

" I'm glad to hear it" takimaru said

" won't you have some too takimaru-San?" Komatsu said

" no I'll be alright please drink it all" takimaru said

" come on have a bit you need you're strength for this cold weather drink up" Aiko said " besides you haven't had anything to eat while we're here have some"

" that's because Gourmet knights fast for entire months" match said " he's used to being hungry"

" I don't have a portion for you old man" takimaru said " but I do have some for your subordinates please let them have some"

" A charitable spirit huh?" Match said " you gourmet Knights sure are amazing"

" not as much as you old man" takimaru said

" stop saying old man all the time" match said " I'm still in my twenties "

" old man you're kidding?" Takimaru said

" nope" match said

As komatsu looked around as Aiko held the warm cup.

" where's toriko-San? Komatsu said

" he's up above " takimaru said

" in this monstrous storm?" Komatsu said

" toriko's been keeping watch this whole time" match said

" keep watching? You mean in case if any wild beast come?" Komatsu said

" that's true too" match said " but he seemed on the look out for something else in particular "

" takimaru-San is there any milk left?" Aiko asked

" yeah, do you want some more?" Takimaru ask as he looked at Aiko as she searched in her bag.

" I knew bringing this might be good" Aiko said as she smiled " can you hand me the pot?"

A few moments later komatsu smelled the air as he looked at Aiko.

" there some hot chocolate might be nice on this cold" Aiko said as she poured some in a few cups as she gave them to match and his subordinates as she held one for takimaru. " have at least a little bit takimaru-San please?" As she gave him the puppy dog eyes as takimaru caved in as he held the cup as he took a sip as she smiled brightly.

As toriko was above as in the blizzard storm

" ice hell...this could be the toughest obstacle I've ever been faced with" toriko said " wild beast stronger I've ever seen that can survive in this harsh environment "

" toriko-kun!" As he turn to look at Aiko

" Aiko you should rest " toriko said

" I'm fine what about you? you've been out here in this blizzard here I brought you some hot chocolate to drink" Aiko said as he looked at a drink that She had on her hand " it's still warm by my Reiki have some "

' Even in this harsh environment she still cares about others more than taking care of herself...' Toriko though as he lightly smiled at Aiko as he took the hot beverage as he drank it as he noticed that she shivered a bit as he wrapped his arms around her.

" T-Toriko-kun?!" Aiko said as she felt her cheeks warm.

" you were shivering a bit so I though this might help" toriko said as he was really close to her as he was close to her face as he stared at her lips. " Aiko..."

" toriko-kun..." Aiko whispered as she looked at him. ' it feels nice him holding me' she though as toriko was a few centimeters from her face as he was inches away from her lips.

' I...I can't do this. I can't just kiss her here' toriko though as he held Aiko as he quickly moved his head to look away ' but it feels nice holding her like this' as he held Aiko enjoying the feeling that she was in his arms.

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