Easier Said Than Done

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*Pacifica's pov*
Getting out of the dang bubble was so freaking hard. We went through all of these weird dimension manipulation things. To say the least, it was hard. I looked to dipper and to Mabel. It was time to kill bill. I looked up and saw the damned dream demon. Good luck in hell or wherever you go when you die. I glanced at dipper and anger flashed in his eyes. Then he was gone. Literally gone. "DIPPER!" I screamed. Tears ran down my face. Then I was at the mystery shack. In rags with my puffy topped boots. I looked around and saw we (Stan, and a group of townfolk....and... Gnomes?) were at a stand off with Mabel, dipper, Wendy, and soos. Wasn't I just with them? I inched forward very slowly. Barely moving. Mabel glanced over. She smiled slightly and glanced at dipper. He noticed me as well. He nodded slightly. "Grunkle Stan? It's ok. We're ok. We'll help you fight." Dipper said. Stan grunted. We all ran out. We fought. We got ford back. We won. Bill was dead. It was over. If I said we lived happily ever after, I'd be lying. We had trials. We had arguments like every other couple. We live in harmony with each other up to this very day. Married with 1 child and another on the way. We couldn't be happier. And now it's time to bring this story to an end. Turn off the computer and stop typing.  I have enjoyed every  last comment and vote on my story. Now it's time to say goodbye. So,


Change of heart(Gravity falls fanfic. Dippifica)Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now