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The sky stormed and raged up above as two teenagers spoke in hushed voices. The first teenager was sat inside a car, dressed in a khaki uniform with dog tags hanging around his neck. The second leant again the door, her eyes peering at him through the open window.

"Be careful, OK?" The girl said to the boy dressed in khaki. He smiled softly at her, his eyes scanning and memorising her facial features.

"I'll try, as long as you keep out of trouble as well," the boy replied, smirking as he remembered her tendancy to be mischievous.

"Well I can't make any promises," the girl winked. The boy just took her hand that rested next to him and placed his lips on it. The girl felt his breath brush across her knuckles.

"I love you, Lex," the boy mumbled against her hand, his voice somber, "I'll miss you, kid."

The girl held back tears before replying in a quiet voice, "I love you too, Ghost, stay safe." She retracted her hand before leaning in the window and gently kissing his forehead.

The girl leant back as the window was rolled up and the car drove off down the street.

Ghost of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now