Chapter 1 - Bearer of bad news

Depuis le début

"Sir, this is Colt. Permission to speak sir?" He asked respectfully before he got a stern reply, "Permission granted. State your desire son, we need to find out what went wrong on the mission." Colt took a deep breath and kept his eyes on us as he replied, "Word is that Wolfpack isn't doing so well and since we...lost our commander, I'll take a wild guess that our teams are being frozen until further notice?"


"Well sir, I have a request to make in that case." Colt stated, making me raise my eyebrows at him while I mouthed 'What are you doing?'. He smiled reassuringly as he got the go ahead and stated, "Well, I'm guessing we'll follow the protocol and find a safe, neutral spot to wait till the storm has blown over. My request is this; As the Commander's team, its our duty to inform his family of his...status. The survivors of Wolfpack can join us there."

All of us stared at Colt with wide eyes. His plan was good and fact was that the Commander's kids would have more protection and we'd have more eyes and ears on the field to help us out on our mission. We weren't going to let that rat get any other man killed.

"Hmmm, we'll give your request some thought. You raise an interesting point son, but we have other things to discuss now. Follow the procedure and we'll contact you when we have our answer. Base out."

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the chopper's walls. "Quick thinking Colt." I murmured tiredly, feeling groggy from the whole ordeal. Colt grunted and muttered, "It's the least I could do for Mother. His kids need the best protection and not to sound cocky, but we're the best of the best."

Echo softly agreed with him before I heard the rustling of paper. "Wonder what's so special about his kids? He mentioned his son by name...Sage...Does any of you guys know how old they are?"

I shook my head without opening my eyes. "All I know is that Sage is the eldest of four. Then there are two teens and one younger child." Peeling one eye open, I looked at Echo and smirked halfheartedly when I noticed he was already searching for Mother's Intel.

Surprisingly, Colt placed his hand over the screen and stopped Echo from getting into the database, shaking his head slightly. "Don't. The rat will be watching us closely and if we go in through an unsecured line, they'll find out that we're trying to get more information about Mother. They'll know something's off..." He trailed off but he said enough.

My teeth were painfully gritting together as I thought back to that moment where Mother had stumbled, the shock and pain clear in his eyes. And yet, when his eyes had connected with mine...for a split second, there was a glimpse of determination in his eyes. It was as if he knew he was going to die that day, his letter was proof of that.

With a soft growl stuck in my throat, I allowed my head to roll back and sleep for the time being. I had to be alert and awake when we were going to bring Mother's family the bad news.


Colt softly hit the brakes of his Audi R8 and stopped in front of a rather large house. I drove next to his window and let the engine of my bike run while Echo rolled his window down.

"Guess Mother forgot to mention he was living in the upper class." He said, eying the large building while Colt scoffed slightly. "You're exaggerating but I have to say, I didn't imagine this to be his house. I always thought he lived in a penthouse or something but then again, I never thought his kids were young enough to still live with him."

A snort escaped me as I shook my head. "Its not because you're the eternal bachelor that we live like you Colt." I teased, pulling a charming grin on my face when Colt scowled my way. He rolled his eyes but chuckled amused and shook his fringe out of his eyes.

The Commander's Legacy - MxMOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant