2. Crossroads {Part Two}

Start from the beginning

I dig my feet into the sand as if searching for the meaning of it all. It grits my toes, the same way memory of the vision pricks at my mind.

"I had a vision about someone-someone we don't know," I add to head off any questions. "He walked down a snowy path in a forest, toward a dark cave." Tingles flutter down my spine at the recollection and I rub my arms at the goosebumps sprouted along my skin. "The darkness there was alive, and it hurt me to think of him going into it. I felt so much would be lost if he did. And for a split second, I..." I inch in closer and make sure no one is near. "I saw the Great Mistress. He shifted and became her, but then turned back to him."

A line creases Aunt Sabana's forehead, her lips a flat line. "That's a serious vision. Living darkness is known to represent black magic." She's quiet for a thoughtful minute. "He's on a snowy path, a journey. I think in this case, the snow is white magic and the tunnel represents black. You said you felt much would be lost if he went in there? I believe that's what The Great Mistress may symbolize, loss. By him walking into that cave, you will lose him, just as we all lost her. He may be turning away from his Coven."

"But he isn't a part of one. He said he's had different teachers but he's never belonged to a Coven."

Her blue eyes narrow. "I thought you said you didn't know him."

I open my mouth, but shut it at that. Warmth pricks my face.

She puts a cool hand on my cheek. "You don't have to explain anything to me. If you found someone other than Caleb, then I'm glad of it."

I turn my face away from her touch. "It's not that. There's no one else. I just met him and had the vision, that's all."

She hums. "Well, if your magic pulsed enough for you to get a sense of him, then it's important and you must listen to it. He's your charge and it's up to you to do all you can to keep him in the light."

Great. I debate leaving and Fate throws me a charge as a parting gift.

"Did you see anything else?" she asks.

I shake my head. "I can try using a summoning spell-"

"No, no. Don't force it. Sometimes visions come piece by piece. If you draw it out, it might blend with your own thoughts and leave you more confused than you already are. It's best to let them come. I'll meditate on it tonight."

Movement over her shoulder tugs at my attention. I lock eyes with Claudius, High Mage of the East and the biggest opponent of the Sanctuary program. He talks with Mage Edward, Caleb's uncle and Magus of the North. He's the one who assumed the position of Magus until Caleb completes the rites needed before he can assume the chair vacated by his mother. In four months, he'll be ready.

Catching my eye, Mage Edward smiles and approaches us. Mage Claudius frowns behind him, clearly not fond of the idea. I ease back from Aunt Sabana as they come up alongside us.

Mage Edwards greets Aunt Sabana with a kiss on the cheek. Her meadowsweet ale makes her a favorite, especially with the men. They tolerate me simply because of her.

He inclines his head to me and rakes back white hairs that sprinkle onto his forehead. His eyes are green, though closer to hazel than Caleb's emerald green. Through his aged face, it's clear he was handsome in his youth-a regal posture, strong cheekbones, an aristocratic nose, and thick lashes that accentuate his eyes. Mage Claudius is another story. Short and stout, he takes me in with seedy black eyes. His hair is just as dark and horseshoes the bald spot on top of his head.

"I'm so glad to see you here celebrating this transition with us, Aramina," Mage Edward says. "I didn't think you would come."

"Yes," Mage Claudius says drawly. "I can imagine it's rather painful, seeing so many ascend to their powers while you..." He trails off with a sigh. "But, we must learn to live with the lot we are given in life." His eyes crinkle at the corners with a weak smile.

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