"I wasn't thinking!"

"Well, you better hope that this works."

"I know..."

"Well bro, here you go, your own apartment, the first two months are payed off, the rest are up to you." He smiled

"Thanks bro, I'll pay you back as soon as I make my first movie!"

"No bro, this is going to be your present to you, from me."

"Whoa thanks man!"

I walked into my new apartment, and smiled as I saw the furniture that my other brother Tom had bought for me, yeah my family's very supportive, well maybe they just wanted me to move out of James's house...yeah, I guess it's not very professional for a 21 year old to live with his older brother...either way, I got free shit! Haha

I sat down on the couch, and started filling out the paper work, I finished like two hours later, only because I kept getting text messages from Jake, everything's so distracting when you have stuff to do! I decide that it was late, and that I should probably go to bed, but I didn't feel like moving, so I grabbed a cushion, and fell asleep on the couch.


The next morning I woke up, took a quick shower, and got dressed in a tight yet professional black mini skirt, and white button up shirt, and 2 inch black stiletto heels, I applied light make up which included mascara, eyeliner,and red lipstick, and put in my green contacts.

When I got to my little office in town I opened up, and saw that I had tons of messages on my business phone, I got so much paperwork it wasn't even funny, it was 3 o'clock and I hadn't eaten anything. I was starving, then the door opened. I didn't bother to look up, when I got up to get a file I saw who it was.

He looked so good in his white t-shirt, black jeans, and converse, his hair was like bed head. He looked perfect.

"I finished filling out the forms, and I was wondering if maybe we could grab a bite to eat?"

"I don't know, I'm really busy, but I'm also very hungry..."

"What if I brought lunch to you, and I helped you with your work?"

"That would be okay I guess?"

"Okay, any requests?"

"Burgers and chili cheese fries!"

"Okay, and you look beautiful." He smiled

"Thanks, you don't look too bad either." I blushed

"Aww, you're blushing!" He smirked

"Go, before I eat you!" I yelled instantly regretting my choice of words

"Oh, so you wanna eat me?" He winked

"That's not how I meant it!" I blushed

"Haha sure, but I'll be right back!"

As soon as he left, all the feelings from high school came back, I liked him, but I knew that it was best to keep that to myself, I knew that he didn't feel the same way.

I started going over the papers that he had just given me, I was reading over them, and I saw that he had put a letter in between two forms.

Dear Denise,

I'm so sorry for everything, there's not a day that goes by that I don't regret everything that happened that day, if I could, I would go back in time, and change everything, I wish you had either slapped me, or punched me. That time that you went out with Jake, and kissed him right in front of me, I wanted to kill somebody. I missed you, and every year, that our anniversary, of us becoming best friends passed, I sat around, and cried, you can ask my parents. The day that James brought me here, I begged him to hire you, all because I wanted to make things right between us, I want to be your best friend. I miss you. Please forgive me, even though I don't deserve it. Please?

Never Knew I Needed You (Dave Franco Fan Fic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now