Chapter 8- The Adoption of Kamryn-Grace

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* 1 Month after the Shanghai concert*
Taylor's POV

It's starting to get lonely in my NYC apartment, what, with only Adam and the cats to keep me company. I keep thinking that I should adopt a teenage girl, not only so my baby can have someone to look up to, but to keep me entertained for the next few weeks or whenever the time comes for this baby to come into the world. Without a second thought, I jump into my car and drive straight to the New York City Children's Home. I am greeted by a smiley lady, by the name of Ali. I tell her what I'm after, and she leads me to the teenage girl section of the place. She explained that they basically live in their rooms all the time, except when it's meal times. Without another word, she left me to it. I start to knock on all the doors, and all the girls start fangirling when they see who's on the other side. I talk to all of them, tell them my situation. They all seem friendly, but the looks of their rooms put me off. Most of the girls' walls in their rooms are covered in posters of heavy-metal bands and stuff like that. But all that changed 5 minutes later. I knocked on the last door in the hallway, and when the girl on the other side opens the door to see me standing there, she practically ran to my side and gave me the biggest hug while avoiding the vast bump that I have.

She lets me in, and I am surprised by what's on the walls. It's posters of me from when I released my debut album, up until RED album was released. I ask her what her name is, her age, her hobbies, and her interests. She told me her name is Kamryn-Grace, but everyone calls her Kam or Kamryn. She's 15, her hobbies include drawing, reading, and writing. She then starts to show me all these drawings that she's done, and they're all pictures of me. She also shows me the stories that she writes, and yes, they are also about me. One that I really like is her Taylor Swift Pregnancy fanfiction, as it's completely true. I ask if I could read it, and she shyly hands over her book. I flick through the pages, and a smile is plastered on my face. She's such an amazing author, I bet she could also easily write a song when the time came. I hand her book back, and tell her it's really good and that she should publish it online. I continue to ask about her interests and dreams for the future, and when I hear her replies, I know that she's the one for me.

I stand up to leave, and before I do, I get a gentle, but back-breaking side-on hug from Kamryn. I hug her back, and make my way back down to the reception area. I tell Ali that I want Kamryn, and she smiles and hands me the paperwork to fill out. I fill it out in 5 minutes and hand it back to Ali, and just like that, Kamryn-Grace is mine. Ali calls her down and tells her to pack her bags as someone's just adopted her. I was hiding, and just as Kamryn asked who had adopted her, I jumped out of my hiding spot and screamed "ME!" Kam starts to scream so uncontrollably that she starts crying. I give her a hug and go to her room with her to help pack up her stuff. I start to take the posters down from the walls and remove the blue tack from the backs of them and pack them into a box, taking care not to crumple or rip them.  Kamryn packs all her clothes into another box, and accessories into another one. A mere hour later, the whole room is empty. I carry the box of posters down to my car, go back up to the room, only to run into Kamryn struggling to carry the box full of her clothes. I grab the other side of the box and go backwards, watching carefully where I step.  Another 30 minutes after that, all Kamryn's boxes have been loaded into my car and we go for a quick Starbucks run before we head home to unpack Kamryn's stuff.

We get to my apartment building, and because the paps are blocking the main entrance, I drive us to the back entrance, reserved for my use only. I park up and we get out of the car, and make our way to the trunk. I get the box full of Kamryn's posters, and she grabs the box of her accessories. I shut the trunk and lock it until we return to get her box of clothes. I lead the way to my apartment, Kam following close behind.  When we get there, I open the door and the next thing I know, my cats are rubbing themselves up against my legs, and Adam is sitting on the couch watching CSI. Kam and I dump the boxes on the floor and I take a closer look at the episode that Adam is watching, and it's the one that I make an appearance in. I let out a giggle, and next thing I know, Adam is up by my side, and plants a kiss on my cheek. He is about to get down on his knees so his eyes are level with the vast, annoying baby bump that I have, and greet his baby girl. But before he can do that, he hears someone clear their throat, he turns around and notices Kamryn standing there nervously, not sure about what's going on. I introduce her to Adam, and they get to know each other, while I go back down to my car to get Kamryn's clothes box. I pick it up, and I'm shocked at how heavy it is. I put it back in the trunk and decide to get it later, when Adam and Kamryn have had the chance to get to know each other. I make my way back to the apartment, and when I open the door, my mouth hits the floor. Kamryn and Adam are having a dance party, and it's my songs that they're dancing to. I laugh and join them, amazed at how good of a dancer Kamryn is. My awkward dance moves are nothing compared to hers. Adam is like me, he can't dance for toffee. After what seems like 10 minutes of dancing, I feel exhausted. I sit out and watch the fun, with the cats purring gently on my lap.

I love this. Watching my adoptive daughter dancing, and having a good time. I can't wait for my baby girl to arrive into the world, neither can Adam. Kamryn knows I'm having a baby,  but she doesn't know the gender, so this will be a huge surprise for her. I just hope that she'll be happy with sharing her life with a baby sister to watch out for.


I finally published!

Be prepared for a sudden plot twist in the next chapter :) :)

Tyler x


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