"Miss Amaya may I have a word with you?" A random Mist shinobi male appeared. A small frown crossed her face before noding to him. They walked away from any prying ears and started conversing. They walked a little behind the large sworming group of shinobi's. But Owl was carefully watching each move they made, especially the mist male. Nothing escapes his eye sight.

Amaya turned around with both arms crossed. Staring towards the black haired hazel eyed man.

"I am Lou."


Lou gulped looking around before looking directly back towards Amaya's face.

"Look this is extremely important. Earlier this afternoon my step brother and I over heard a conversation in an alleyway. Does the name Kaemon Uchiha mea anything to you?" Lou looked slightly rattled also disturbed, somethings not right.

Amaya's head tilted slightly looking completely confusse also afraid.

"Sadly it does. Please Lou continue."

Lou swollowed dry saliva. Hands shaking slightly.

"We over heard Kaemon speak with a hooded figure. They were discussing on what's going to become of you. Kaemon's arranged some sort of surprise and form of transportation. They were plotting on how to capture you very detailed way. Kaemon's got chalkra restrains and duck tape on his person. Miss Amaya please be careful. Our village is friends with the hidden Cyclone village. So with your permission my step brother and I would be honored to protect and escort you to the tower." Lou clenched a fist pressed to his heart.

Amaya's frown deepened while looking down. Kaemon's always up to no good but this is getting way outta hand. Striking a deal with a hooded figure, kidnapping plan and even carrying certian restrain items. This is turning into a horrible nightmare, only problem is she's wide awake. Without Minato there beside her right now, she does have the occasional pinch of fear. Now Hitomi's life could be in trouble. Kaemon expresses hatred towards anyone standing beside her. Also with Hitomi being a Hyuuga that could be even more worse.

"I thank you for telling me that. However as your offer I cannot accept. Thank you very much Lou. But I'll deal with Kaemon." Amaya bowed slightly in respect. Lou looked surprised. A bow from royalty is the highest amount of respect towards anyone. It means that you've brought honour to your house-hold and clan.

"As you wish princess. Please stay safe." Lou bowed deepy before running back towards his step brother who looked proud. Even slapping a hand onto the slightly smaller man's back smiling proudly. Amaya walked back towards Hitomi. If that asshole wants to play dirty then she'll play dirty aswell.

"Lend me your ear."

Five, four, three, two...one!


Heaps of shinobi's and kunochi's alike madly dashed into the wide open gateway. Feet pounding against the sandy earth, running to many directions. Hearts beating wildly and masked chalkra. They know the main rule of this exam. Kill or be killed. Never let your guard down or have your throat slit ear to ear. Hide, stalk and strike. Be pre-pared for anything which many be the cause of your death. Never ever show mercy to someone. One single mistake is all that it takes. Just one small mistake will end you. It's the main rule of being a shinobi. Amaya dashed beside Hitomi towards north east. They were well ahead of everyone. Ears wide open and eyes darting side to side. Hitomi activated her blood limit scanning everything carefully not allowing anything to escape her eye sight.

"Hitomi! Is there anyone following us?" Amaya shouted as they made a sharp turn.

"Negative! No signs of movement or enemies behind us. We are clear." Hitomi shouted back in return.

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