Chapter 15

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"So this is Suna. So not that impressive." Amaya yawned lazily streching both arms wide behind her head. It's boring as hell and hot as hell. But still this village is holding the jounin exams and that's good enough for her. Hopefully this will be a piece of cake, not ending in disaster like her first attempt at the chunin exams. Not that one was really bad. However this time there is no team to be assigned in, it's a dog eat dog exam and she's ready to show everyone what she's really made of. Just have to stay calm during the whole thing, also to be on high alert for any unwanted guests. Namely Kaemon Uchiha or the Rock village's chunin's. They way all of them sent her terrible grins or smirks made Amaya's skin crawl with goose-bumps. It's like they have planned something or winging something involving her. Meh she'll be alright, just have faith in her abilities and summon the Kraken if those assholes try anything.

"Amaya please don't do anything stupid." Hitomi Hyuuga begged slightly while fidgeting slightly on the spot. Nervous pale lavender eyes darted side to side.

"You know me to well Hitomi. Just worry about yourself and you'll pass with flying colours." Amaya comforted her newly made from from the journey to the hidden sand village with a grin. Oh yeah this is going to be so fun. Hitomi sighed softly while walking behind the royal blue haired kunochi towards the sand village's front gates with the entire group. Heaps of shinobi's gave them warning glares or the civillians whispered to one another. Everyone seems too damn tense about this up coming war after the exams. They have every right to be nervous, it's a time of war. No time for child's play, it's the real deal. People die during the jounin exams and even more so during wars. But the out come of it all was no going to be exactly pretty.

"Umm Amaya I was wondering. If we could...umm stick together for the exam? Two heads are better then one." Hitomi asked. Amaya paused walking for a moment thinking about the offer. Hitomi is not the kind to betray nor cause any harm to a fellow leaf shinobi. Plus she seems to be more nervous about this then Amaya herself. It's true two heads are better than one. On the plus side with her eyes there is going to be more chance of them escaping from enemies on the prawl also more chance of not running into Kaemon. It's a win win situation. There is no way to lose. With Hitomi on her side they both will be offically named jounin in the end.

"Sure that's a great idea! With your Byakugan we can easily escape from traps and even people. I'll protect you also my friend." Amaya whispered while Hitomi sighed out heavily. Relifed to no end that at least there is a ally in this exam besides another potential enemy after her. Hitomi smiled softly tugging on the hem on her long jacket. A nervous habit along with a small stuttering problem she had as a child, it shows rarely now a days.

"Y..Yes and thank you Amaya."

"No worries!" Amaya grinned giving the thumbs up as an act of comfort. It did make the nervous Hyugga women relax greatly even giving more hopes of becoming a jounin. Both of them walked along side by side quickly jogging towards the group and once again joined them from behind. There was one ANBU member that stood a little behind watching over them , then once again joined the group as they were safe again. Lord Hokage had assigned him to watch over the Princess of Cyclone Island and even had Minato beg him also. To watch and protect her from any possible threat. His name is Owl due to the fact his mask was a Owl. Seems fitting to be named Owl. His eyes watched the from behind the mask, namely the giggling Hyugga woman. Hitomi is from his clan but in middle rank in the branch system. A nervous child that grew into a beauitful woman with a quick mind. He silently admired the alliance that she and Amaya had done. It's a smart move on their parts. Not many chunins teamed up with another due to their large egos. However their plan seemed flawless and that head each other watching over their backs. Owl knew that if this plan actually worked out perfectly, it would benefit the pair of them. Amaya and Hitomi would have to stay strong and focused.

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