Chapter 17

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"Give up already. Victory isn't on your side!" Kaemon sneered while blocking several kicks aimed towards his person. Their battle has gone on for fifteen minutes straight with little results on who's going to win. Dodging various kicks and punches, no chalkra based attacks were used as of yet. Amaya gasped falling on her backside than rolled away from kunai's aimed to her legs, back rolling then back flipping up again. Both of them sprinted away from each other, hands shoved in their kunai pouches and then thrown at each other. Metal hitting metal echoed loudly, falling down again. More kunai's flew again resulting the same thing again much to their irritation. Kaemon ran towards Amaya again grabbing her upper arm, twisting it behind her back painfully. Catching Amaya off guard, what a foolish move on her part.

"Arugh!" She cried out loudly as Kaemon placed his foot on the square of her back, pressing enough force to bring her to her knees. Amaya could swear that her arm's bone was cracking from Kaemon's strong hold. Sharingan eyes gleamed proudly down at Amaya's kneeling form, reduced to kneeling.

"I'll hand it to you Amaya. You've proven yourself worthy of carrying the name Uchiha and mothering my children. It's pointless, give up and submit defeat, or do you wish to have a broken arm?" Kaemon adding more pressure causing another pained shout. Amaya looked down at a lone kunai knife hidden under her knees. Maybe she can stop this faster than expected. But how? What ever plan is forming in her mind was brutal even sadistic, the idea was sickening to say the least, but thats all she could think of.

Amaya turned her head looking up at Kaemon, chest rising and falling heavily. She's gonna go through with it, even if its totally sick.

"No. I'll never give up. Break my arm if you want to but I will keep on fighting. You've always been jealous that Kiyoshi's always been a better shinobi and human being than you. Kaemon you're just a pathetic loser. Left over trash that the Uchiha's cannot get rid of, trash." She quickly used her knees grasping onto the kunai, arched her back up and slammed the kunai up to Kaemon's face. He screamed letting go while holding onto the right side of his face. Blood exploded onto her face staining it red even her form. Kaemon screamed a banshee scream that it's increased volume hurt her ears. For a man who's pride is bigger that most of the Uchiha's, he can really scream bloody murder.

"Ah!" Amaya rolled away, using her hands to clear away crimon blood on her face. Kaemon brought his hands away than screamed at what layed on his hands. His right eye ball. Staring up at him with blood pouring from his fingers onto the sandy ground. The sharingan is still present, yet stabbed outta his skill. Amaya crindged feeling hot sticky bile rise up from the pit of her stomach, what a sickening sight to see. A man holding onto his own eyeball.

"You stupid bitch!" Kaemon shouted while trying to shove his eye back into his empty eye socket, a desperate act for a desperate man. Without a medic ninja to re-plant it back, it's not going to be back at all. Amaya used both hands to remove the blood splattered over her face, it only smudged across her entire face and even made her bangs turn red, sticky warm blood made her hair stick to her face.

Amaya growled "Better than be your bitch." Face painted red like a warrior. War paint with another person's own blood, gross even vile. She has Kaemon Uchiha's blood on her.

Kaemon dropped his eye than ran towards her, right eye closed shut, blood still leaking out. Teal eyes went wide as a harsh kick to the jaw made her squeal, rolling onto her side. He continued laying into her with kicks and punches. Amaya's blood dripped from Kaemon's knuckles from each blow. Blood dripped from her lips. Pain coursed through her entire being as Kaemon's attacks were brutal even more powerful from rage. Hell even she felt her ribs starting to crack a little and her nose had blood dripped down.

"I'll fucking kill you!" His lone sharigan eye burned brighter from demonic rage, how dare that little bitch stabbed his eye out!

Amaya felt his assult stop. Eyes painfully open to watch his figure stroll towards his eyeball, grumbling also cursing. Each breath proven to be a struggle, a rib might be broken. Rolling on her back staring up towards the night sky feeling dizzy from blood loss, so his changed his mind, kill her. How very fitting, she would rather be dead than marry him anyway. Death by his hands. Ha ha she took his eye out! A one eyed Uchiha, but then again a medic can place it back in. That sucks. Eye back in then everythings peachy, her being dead and all. Well that's not going to do, not one single bit.

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