Chapter 8

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Thursday night came and went rather quickly for anybody to notice besides a certain blue haired kunochi named Amaya, mid-day for Friday and the sleep over is in a couple of short hours. Minato had finished trainning a bit early for the day sending all of the kids back home to pack their belongings for one night. So the blonde haired jounin had dragged his girlfriend to the store to pick up some bits and pieces for supper and some snacks for the night. Walking down the isle side by side staring at the food and once in a while throw them into the trolley. Today was so damn boring even with trainning, still so damn boring! The last single damn justu Amaya has to master is a diffcult one. An orignal justu created by yours truly. So far all the blue haired princess had gained is several bruises, a fat lip and cuts up her arms. Minato tried to get some information out of her to see what kind of new death trap of a justu she is trying to creat, so far all he got was a small wicked almost sadistic smirk out of the woman. Hopefully the justu wouldn't blow of a arm or leg, hopefully but if it was created by Amaya than it's definitly a freaking scary justu.

Sighing out the blue haired princess walked behind Minato wrapping both arms around his waist leaning into his back, his scent always manages to calm her down even felt safer. Minato slowly looked behind watching the teal eyed kunochi still holding onto him with a look of contentment. These past few weeks have been extremely diffcult for the pair of them, even the extra training provided by him have been taking its toll on her. Minato had to admit to himself that Amaya's spirit to never give up trying even with the odds stacked against her was remarkable. Not once has the blonde haired man seen the teenager throw a hissy fit during training, not once has Amaya thrown the towel in. The will of fire burns brightly inside of her, Minato is very proud of his girlfriend.



"Can we buy some pears?" Amaya realsed him walking towards the fruit stand looking at the green pears with a begging smile. Another thing that surprises him that Amaya has a giant love towards fruits, sadly hates passionfruit.

"Of course. Also get a tub of strawberries, a bag of grapes, mangos and a giant watermellow. Those kids also need some healthy food aswell for tonight besides filling up with junk food. Neither of us want to stay up tonight looking after one of them with a sore stomach and crying do we?" Minato pushed the trolley towards the nodding woman, tonight is surpose to be fun not ending in disaster. The Uchiha clan wouldn't be happy if Itachi got sick.

"I dont want to be the other holding back their hair will they vomit." Amaya shuttered slightly.


Amaya done something that was truly typical for a inmature person, jumped onto Minato back with a giant smile. The blonde smiled happily as she wrapped both legs around his waist and both arms held around his neck. They loved to play around with each other, joke, plan pranks but he deines to be apart of involved in it when caught and just talk. It's a well known fact that they were very happy to act natual around each other even in public sometimes show affection by hugs or exchange of smiles.

"Hey where the hell is Pervy Sage anyway?" Amaya frowned laying her head onto Minato's shoulder.

"I don't know to be truthfully honest with you. The Third had sent him on some sort of important mission but will be returning in a day or two. Crazy thing is Jiraiya sensie would usually complain about those sort missions but went willfully with this one, something is not right about this. Best be on guard Night Rain." Minato's sensie voice kicked in with a serious face aswell, when he gets like this it usual means something is going to happen soon.

"I am always on guard. Jiraiya is up to something but it feels like a storm is brewing as the weeks draw close to a end for the jounin exams. Might be best if we start expecting the unexpected now, things have been so strange. Like the other day a random Uchiha walked past me and done the most queer thing ever! Smiled and waved at me before walking off, dude I couldn't believe it. I almost shit my pants!" Amaya roared with laugher than yelped as Minato dropped her onto the ground, sometimes that man can act like such a woman it's laughable but scary at the same time. Even now with that scolding look upon that handsome face of his even with stern eyes. Not approving of her choice of words but at the same time was amaused with the Uchiha smiling and waving thing. Surely if more of them start doing that in public it would be like the end of the freaking world. Uchiha's and smiling sometimes don't mix depending on the person is question. Than again if Minato was in Amaya's shoes he would have done the same thing.

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