Chapter 6

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Kakashi watched weary of his new surrondings of Cyclone Island very much amazed at how the people there live and carry on with their day, he's never seen a bunch of happier civillians in his life singing and some of them dancing in the streets with people clapping along with the beat while a small boy chased a chicken around the place. The houses and buildings there were much more developed them the hidden leaf with some of them reaching eight to nine stories high and the teenagers carried along a small portable device blasting music.

The village had endangered plants and flowers blooming everywhere with mixed smells that was arousing and light to his senstive nose. But he mantained his cool while walking beside Minato who had a large smile at the people that stopped to wave at the passing ground or gasp at the sight of their beloved princess that's returned home, shinobi's and kunochi's both were treated equally dispite their gender differences.

"It's amazing here, the people are so friendly and they don't care that I am a Uchiha!" Obito beamed as a girl his age wearing a beanie walked passed him and winked at him. Maybe the people here have changed or that they don't see him as a threat to their way of life...well maybe it's because he's wearing handcuffs with chalkra seals and was escorted with two ANBU ranked shinobi at each of his sides. Amaya rolled her eyes at his comment, if the people didn't care that he's an Uchiha then why is he being treated like a criminal? That kid is to hits away from becoming the world's biggest Uchiha idiot. She had tried to reason with the elder but he had promised that they will not harm if it is truly necessary, so they slapped on a pair of chalkra sealed handcuffs and have him escorted to the castle. Sighing under her breath the blue haired princess watched everyone of her people dance and sing their hearts out while some wild male foxes tried to mingle a little with the trained lady vixens that acted like ladies. Nothing has changed a single bit even the smell of flowers and baked goods brought back some fond and slightly painful memories, her father use to bring her down to the main village to buy some freshly baked cheese and bacon rolls for mother who sat on her ass listening to some people bitch or the council's stupid weekly meeting, she hated the last one the most cause they just keep on talking for hours on end!

"Amaya why are you smiling?" Rin whispered lowly so they guards and elder dont hear her addressing their princess as a regular person like herself.

"Just memories, it's funny I can't remeber the last time I thought about this place maybe a couple of years ago? I am not sure but it's nice to be able to remeber the place you grew up in hasn't changed a single bit. The smell of freshly cooked cheese and bacon rolls smells to good to be true." She inhaled the smell deeply with a large soft smile, it's been years since she's even smelt or tasted a cheese and bacon roll. It even made her mouth water a little but not as much as the smell of ramen hit her nose, nothing ever bets ramen!

Minato grinned slightly as he listened in on the girl's conversation, even at a time like this he knows that she's thinking of ramen, just the small glint in her eyes tells him that.

"Princess Amaya we are at the castle's gates." The elder with the hunch back looked at the blue haired teen who looked a little nervous while staring at the large gates that holds another gate inside as a protective barrier. Large iron gates with the island's signature symbol on a flag while the royal families symbol was on the right hand side of the gates gently blowing in the breeze. There were around six guards with two of them at the gates left and right side standing there like statues but were staring at her. Amaya's hands started to shake wildly with fright while she was sweating slightly from the neverousness that boiled inside of her, even her stomach twisted slightly. Slowly her left hand raised up reaching towards the cold iron handle, then once her hand touched the cold metel another hand was gently placed on top of her small pale one.

"We'll do it together." Minato smiled lightly at his distressed girlfriend while everyone was silent, the elder had his eyebrow raised slightly.

Letting out a small pathetic whimper she whispered "I am scared."

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