"First of all I want to congratulate everyone who's been selected to be apart of this giant honour. The jounin exams."

A wave of appluse was heard until silences with a raised hand. He continued to speak.

"This year it's going to be held at the Hidden Sand Village. We are told that there have been some new changes for the exams. I must warn each and every last one of you to always stay on guard and never loss sight of your goal. This times are hard since we are now going to war with the hidden rock village."

Now a wave of gasps was heard and hush whispers. Amaya closed her eyes, so the rumors were true.

"After this exam, the war will offically start. A last sign of good will before we march off into battle. However who ever has became a jounin will not be coming back to the village immeditly, they will be sent off to assist in battle. I know these are troubling times for everyone, but I am afraid there is no way out of this. As Kohana shinobi we must insure our power in the reigon. Many lifes will be lost and many hardships also awaits. I give each of you my best wishes for the future. I give you all good luck." Lord Hokage nods and everyone bursts into waves of appulse once again. Amaya opens her eyes and looks directly towards Minato and his team. They all were staring at her with wide eyes.

'I will win and stay alive for you all. That is a promise I am going to keep.'

Kushina and Mikoto gave the small blue haired princess a giant hug fighting down tears. They don't want to see her go off into battle after accomplishing her goal of jounin. Hopefully it won't turn into a major disaster and watch her die in the battle field. Amaya fought back tears of her own.

"Good luck."

"Thank you guys." Amaya whispered. After all of this, they are still going to war. After the end of the jounin exams marks the offical start of the third shinobi war. This one is going to be a bloody mess with many lifes lost. She prays that in the end of all of this war, they will be peace finally accomplished. A never ending peace spred across the shinobi nations.


The princess looked up to see that Mikoto and Kushina were gone and in replacement was Team Minato. Rin had tears and Obito looked down. Kakashi was impassive as usual however with a small glint of saddness deep inside his black orbs. Whats going on?


Rin bit her bottom lip looking nervous.

"We have something important to tell you."

"Go on."

"We are going to war aswell." Kakashi blankly said. Her teal eyes went wide with utter horror and shock. Three young shinobi's were going to war? Shaking her head wildly.

"No! Please tell me this is just a joke, for me accidenly screwing up on something. Missed a birthday?" Amaya hoped they would point at her and laugh, crying out "Joke!"

However it never came insteed they looked down to the ground looking utter shattered and heart broken, it's not a joke. This is the hard reality smacking her hard in the face. After all they are more then meer children, they are shinobi of the hidden leaf village. Trained at a young age to grow up as killers.

"Oh god now. There has to be another way. Can they send someone else whos more experenced in that field? You guys are more then children, your my family!" Amaya cried out bringing them into a tight hug. Her heart was torn in two. Like rice paper, there is no way they could get out of their duty to protect their village.

"We cant! I am so sorry." Rin cried out bringing herself closer into the embrace.

"But we promise to come back alive and in one piece. After this is finished. We can have another sleep over again!" Obitio shouted with a weak grin, he really had a blasted the other week. Who knew that Amaya could be the life of a party and pranked Kakashi and him when they were passed out? He cherished their times together fondly, he will always remember that Team Minato is not just a shinobi squard. They are a happy, not by blood but by heart and spirit.

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