"Oh secret water~ Where are you?" Amaya nervouslly said while scanning the room. Nope no sign of the water.

"Ah fuck wheres the bloody water?!"


"Damnit!" Amaya clenched onto her head as a goose egg appeared. Looking behind her with a small snarl and glare. Only to stop going wide eyed and nervouslly laughing. Standing behind her is Minato Namikaze, her boyfriend. Both arms crossed his chest and a small scold on his face. How in the hell did he come here?

"Amaya I thought I already discussed this way you a hundred times. A lady should never curse or use any sort of foul lanagauge. For crying out loud your a princess!" He scolded and huffed.

"How did you get here?" Amaya stupidly asked.

He smiled. "I slipped one of my teleporting kunai's into your pouche while we embraced at the front gates of the leaf village. I thought that there is no chance you are going to die with me around. No way you are going to leave me behind." He tussled her hair.

"Stalker much! I am a big girl now. I was thrown into a extremely dangerous cyclone like a boss by Tsunade. Do you honestly think for a single minute that I am some sort of defenseless maiden that needs a knight in shining amour every minute? No I am a princess and a bada...ss of that!" Amaya preached waving her hands in the air. Minato smirked slightly.

"I am your knight in shining amour?"

Amaya blushed slightly. "...I need to find the special water now."

Minato rolled his eyes. "Alright then let's get to it. Sooner we finish this, the sooner we can go home. Obito, Rin and Kakashi miss you something fierce. Rin had to stay at our place crying to sleep on your bed for the last week. Obitio is slagging off in training and running later for training and Kakashi is not reading a single book or taunting Obitio."

Amaya gasped. "My babies need me! Hurry up Knight-boy we got a job to do. Like the sooner we start then sooner we finish and get ramen!"

Minato face-palmed himself. Ramen.

They both walked down the pathway together looking around for the bowl of water with jewllery encrusted on damn thing. Minato glanced at his blue haired girlfriend with the corner of his eye. Amaya looked determind to find the water, drink it and then dive down bellow the very waters of hell itself. He remembered feeling so scared at the main gate, he sneaked one of his kunai's into her pouche. If she threw it then immeditly he would appear and assist in battle. Minato refuses to stand back allowing her to die by the hands of a monster. For the last couple of days his been doing more re-search of the Kraken, the stuff actually made him panic with worry. It doesn't eat its victumes right away. It drowns them first and waits for a few days for the body to rot then eat it. Jiraiya sensie freaked out also running around the library chanting "It's my fault! The brat doesn't stand a chance! Minato we gotta save the idiot princess and make sure she gives me some god-children!" He was a nervous panic wreck. Both of them told the Hokage and he even broke into a nervous sweaty wreck. So he believes sneaking one of his kunai's into her weapons pouche was one of his most brilliant ideas ever. Amaya is not going to die around him! Minato would rather die himself then allow her to go through this whole thing alone. Honestly, he truly does love her. Back home in a seal scroll was a present when she comes out of the exams as a jounin. A wedding ring.

'Amaya.' He grabbed onto her hand gently. Teal eyes looked deeply into his own blue orbs with love and determination.

"I think I see it Minato. Over there." She pointed over to a small cave with a small stream of water leading into the lake. He looked over to the bowl. It does look rather pretty.

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