A love story pt. 4

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     The boy looked at his phone and sees the message. It seemed rushed and something didn't feel right to him, what he was able to read was that the girl was in some kind of trouble in the woods next to the park. It was less than a five minute walk from where the boy lives. He remembers that the girl was supposed to be going on a date and knows something isn't going right with her boyfriend. He goes to the woods as fast as he can, knowing the most probable place they might be in, the benches next to a lake. As he rushes and sees a lit bonfire, he hears a scream. He goes faster and is shocked by the image of the girl covered in blood. The boy, he was so confused not knowing what had happened, startled, afraid and scared. The girl laid motionless in the ground. The boy rushes to the girl, he asked what had happened, why? The girl gets up and takes the metal bar she had used to impale her boyfriend. She was smart, she knew she couldn't leave any evidence. She doesn't speak a word, the boy doesn't know what to do and starts asking the girl what had happened and if she was ok, the girl, hands covered with blood, grabs the boys face and kisses him saying that she wants to leave, to never look behind and get away from everything. The boy looks at the now dead boyfriend and looks at the girl, he thinks about a life on the run, how hard it would be, he had finally gotten the girls love but he didn't know if he could live a life like that. He looks at the girls eyes and is lost for a second, he remembers he will do anything for her and says he will do it. It was already late at night and the both had decided to go to each of there houses to gather a few things and to met in front of the train tracks close to town. There parents were sleeping and hadn't the smallest idea of what had happened. They met and boarded a cargo train. The boy, he needed to know the why of it all. The girl is still a little shaken, she doesn't feel to comfortable sharing the past with her boyfriend. The boy gets mad but decides he is going to take a nap, he planed to keep insisting the next day, he needed to know.

Broken DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora