45: Mother, oh Mother

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Mother, oh Mother
Chapter Forty Five

Allison arrived at the hospital first.

She had been searching the deserted, midnight streets for her best friend, coming up empty handed. Allison had just begun to head back to the party when the ringing of her father's call echoed through her car.

There was an eerie tone to it.

Hesitantly, she picked up receiving the startling message, "Allison, come to the hospital," her father instructed. "It's your mother," he said.

Stumbling into the elevator, the same echoing voice boomed through Allison's head. It's your mother. When the elevator opened, she saw her father, standing with his thumb pinched between his teeth.

Through the window shadowing him, he saw a black body back being zipped up at medics took care of the dead body. The body of her mother.

Allison sucked in a breath, her voice coming out full of tears and weeping, "No. No. No, dad. No, dad!" Allison yelled, throwing her hand over her mouth, as the sobs began to take over. "I-if this is some kind of sick training session you had–you better tell me! You better tell me!"

Chris began to cry with his hysterical daughter, grabbing her and holding her in his arms as she thrashed around, so emotional and so struck by grief. "No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he kept repeating.

Allison sucked in a loud breath, "You–" she couldn't find the strength to finish.

Chris held his daughter, "I'm sorry."

"What happened? What hap–" Allison sobbed, the attention of the staff around the family falling upon the upset girl.

Chris cried, "Oh, sweetie, shh."

"Wh... wh..." Allison sobbed, no words forming.

Chris shook his head, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

People stared, mourning for the girl and the father standing, tangled in one another's arms, choking back loud sobs and drowning in their tears... but it was even worse when Annie got the call.

When she got to the hospital, she didn't bother holding back her tears. The sight of her brother with his head in his hands, sobbing... That sent her over the edge.

Annie fell to her knees on the floor, and finally, her Uncle Chris walked up to her. Kyle was far to distraught to understand the lasting effect this would have on Annie, so Chris quickly stepped in.

"I'm so sorry, Annie," he sniffed, and Annie shook her head, weeping. "Annie, they were together when they did it. T-they went together."

This did not help Annie. It made it worse. Her mother had died, and it was at the hands of her Aunt. Something her Aunt had said, it had to of pivoted her mother in this direction.

Her mother was strong. Her mother didn't give up.

She, finally, let out a blood curdling scream before falling into her Uncle's arms.

In the next 24-Hours... Allison and Annie will begin to change. One will see the light, while the other will only see darkness.

Darkness led by Derek Hale.

Author's Note: Short chapter, please enjoy.

Shit is about to hit the fan...


Who is going to go all void mode?



.. or both?? 😏

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