CHAPTER 3: Truth

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Lysander strode in to his parents adjoined chamber while they were breaking their fast.  

“Mother, Father good morrow.”

“Come and sit my son.” King Torrin motioned to his only son, then to one of the Guardians to place a setting.  

“When were you planning on telling me Mother.” Lysander stared coolly at his beautiful mother.

“Today actually, but I see the two haven’t skipped a beat when it comes to knowing exactly where the other is.”  She continued to butter her toast.

“I have not seen the child as of yet, is she still recognizable?” The king asked.

“Her eyes have not changed, nor the color of her hair.  She is a goddess father, the very image of Selene.”

The king and queen made no noise as they stared intently upon their precious son.

“Why did you do it?  Why did you take her from me, then bring her back?  Without telling me?”

“It had to be done son, I saw her future, and there’s nothing but pain and suffering ahead, I won’t let you suffer that with her, I’ve tried so many times to look down her path and there are few roads.  But it seems that no matter what I do, or what I could have done, there is a force far greater than my comprehending playing with her fate and yours.”

“You’ll interfere no more, understand mother.  What decisions I make hereafter are mine alone and I am more than capable of shouldering that responsibility.”  

He got up then, nodded to his parents, and strode out of the room.

He needed to clear his head so he found himself on the training field within a circle of six fighters with his twin blades.  He didn’t see the first sword come at him, he felt it and so began the dance of war as he ducked and twisted always out of reach.  But more than ever before there was anger in his movements which frightened his opponents after the first few minutes of the fight.  Every thrust of his opponents swords and spears were parried with ease and grace.


Lilah watched from her room high above the palace courtyard.  Lysander’s movements were so fluid, and so filled with passion that Lilah couldn’t help but wonder what lay underneath his billowy white riding shirt, what affliction motivated his heart.  She could feel the anger that  emanated from his core, a molten hot fire that seeped into every fragment of his fighting style.  She could also feel the power within him that was yet untouched.  

Lilah slowly released a breath she didn’t know she was holding and walked towards the bed where her cloak embellished with silver and pearls lay.  Quickly placing it over her shoulders she left her chamber and headed down the stairs.  Passing through the kitchen, Lilah was greeted by the kitchen staff, the cook Jai and his assistants Elspeth and Camilla.  She smiled at their familiar greetings.  Jai smiled warmly at Lilah and threw her an apple which she caught within her left hand.  

“You have not changed much Mistress Lilah.”

“Ah, though she is no longer just mistress Jai,” Elspeth commented, “My Lady.”

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