"Is my princess done spinning?" Her voice was naturally soft but held a small taunting tone.

"No! My head is spinning Mummy!" Amaya cried out.

"I wonder why." Ammai smirked.

"Mummy!" Amaya wined loudly looking up towards the woman with wide begging eyes. The Queen knows that look far to well, it's story time.

"Story time?"

"Yes!" Amaya stood up with both arms streched as high as her tiny body could. Story time was the only time in the week when they were given enough time together, royal duties were a pain in the ass to deal with. However it's her job to make her people happy and help with problems. It's a Queen's never ending job to make sure things were in order, even if it got in the way of family time. Yoshi was currently in bed sick with a small case of the flu. Ammai had to laugh at his pale sweaty face as he gave her a small warning glare, it's fun to mess with a sick king. They were to easy to get annoyed easy and they were always the best source of amausement. If it was her then he would be the one looking down at his sick wife with a raised eyebrow along with a taunting smirk. This time it's his turn to be sick! Ammai has been sleeping in her daughter's room until it was safe to sleep back into her shared bed.

"Ok then. Let's see what story you haven't heard yet." Ammai walked towards the families book collection to the K section, tracing a finger along the books spines. Amaya sat silently on the large plush red chair watching while slightly jumping up and down on the spot with a smile. Childish innocences were always a funny thing to witness along with their most embarrassing moments. Just as the Queen past a small blue book her finger stopped at a large black leather bound book. It said "The Legend of the Kraken." Pulling the book out with a small frown Ammai looked over her shoulder. Why did this book out of many called out to her the most? It was like fate wanted her to chose this book to begin with. Did it have to do with her little Princess's fate or future? Ignoring it she walked towards the chair with a small grin.

"I got one."

"Yeahy!" Amaya pumped her fist into the air. It doesn't matter how many times her teacher's tried to make the small girl change her behaviour, it never seems to work out that well. Ammai was proud the girl hasn't changed at single bit, it suited her to act to free and bubbly. Sitting down beside the small blue haired girl, Ammai opened the door and started reading. Each word seemed to sink into the girl's mind along with the many black and white pictures.

After half an hour worth of reading she came towards one chapter that will effect her daughter's future greatly.

"The enterance to the Kraken's lair is located inside the large cyclone. Once the winds reach it's strongest point then a small opening will reveal the enterance. Once it's open it will only remain open for a short period of time, the person will have to fight against the winds and odd's to get inside. Past the opening there will be a long black tunnel, it will not go up insteed pull down-wards. It will lead directly towards the bottom of the ocean floor where you still can breath normally without your lungs being crushed. A large rocky cave will awaite the arrival of the person with our clan's royal symbol. Only one with royal blood can lift the seal, just make a small cut and smear blood in the shape of a cyclone. Blood will seep into the crackes forming into a key. Rocky doors will open wide where the cave dwells. Enter the cave with extreme caution." Ammai read out loud while Amaya traced a finger onto the black and white picture of the key.

"Enter with extreme caution?" Amaya asked.

Ammai nods. "It means to be careful. Extremely careful."

"But mummy why hasn't anyone tried to be friends with the Kraken in the first place? Wouldn't it be alone and friendless?" Amaya asked innocently.

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