"Thank you so much Rin. Now that I managed to get you out of the clutches of the evil sensei Minato lets get some ramen before he finds us, I'll pay for you're personal item and your ramen. I already paid rent this morning and later on Minato wants to go food shopping." Amaya winked at the brown haired girl. Rin smiled back to the girl as they headed towards the counter to buy the item then go out for some ramen.

Around three thirty Minato had appeared at the ramen bar surprised to see Amaya with seventeen large bowls of ramen and was in a ramen coma while Rin drank some green tea,

"Hello Minato sensei." the girl waved in greet to her blonde haired sensei. He blinked twice then smiled brightly at his young female student, sitting in the chair beside the young girl wanting to discuss why Amaya had dragged her off earlier.

"Hello Rin, what happened to her?" he look to Amaya who laid her head in her arms and would twitch every once in a while. Rin grinned at the unconscious girl with mischief and amusement.

"She tried to make a record on how much spicy chicken ramen she could eat, I told her the normal limit was around three to four bowls but she took that as a challenge and then slipt into a ramen coma. Teuchi had been rushing around the place preparing the ramen while she literally inhaled it with abnormal speed, don't worry sensei she's already paid." Rin chuckled while taking the last sip of her warm tea. Minato shook his head snorting with laughter. Amaya had to take everything as a challenge or if anyone wanted to make a bet with her she would happily do it as long as the Third Hokage pays for the damage bill. He remembered the time Obito came to training one day upset with a down cast expression refusing to meet anyone's gaze, Amaya had successfully managed to speak with him in private and he told her that Fuguka Uchiha had made him cry as that man insulted him publicly in front of the whole clan. Saying he was unfit to be an Uchiha. Amaya was furious at hearing that and she cooed him saying that she'll do something to make all the pain to go away, she had a pay a certain paint store a little visit. The next morning all of Konoha woke up to anguish screams coming from the Uchiha clan, someone had painted the whole compound a bright neo orange colour with glitter. The pathway was painted a yellow colour with a dopey drawing of Fukuka with his mouth open saying "Blah blah blah I am the evil emo vampire over lord of the Uchiha clan! Fear me! Also I am allergic to water." Amaya was immediately woken up by Minato who stood at the side of her bed with his arms crossed and a small scold on his face but his scold never reached his amused eyes. The girl was ordered by the Hokage to clean up her mess with many glaring Uchiha's and three smiling Uchiha's who watched as Amaya who flip her hair to one side of her neck then shield it again just to piss them off. After a hard days work Amaya had crawled back to Minato's apartment laying on the couch complaining at him about how evil they were. Later on that evening when they were having dinner Obito appeared then glomped Amaya saying his thanks a million times until eventually he stayed for dinner. She's very protective towards Rin, Kakashi and Obito like they were her own babies. No one fucks with her babies and gets away with it.

"Hmmm another bowl old man! I can still eat." Amaya raised her head then accidentally slammed her head against the counter, moaning softly while clenching onto her head. Minato sighed as Teuchi cleaned up the bowls shaking his head with a large grin.

"Sorry kid but I don't want to be the one to spend you to the hospital in a bigger ramen coma. Maybe tomorrow." he walked into the back room going to wash the dishes.

"Sorry Rin but Amaya and I have to shop for food." Minato apologies to his female student who nod then paid her own bill before hurrying back to her apartment. Smiling at Amaya who slammed her hand on the counter begging Teuchi for another bowl, gently placing a hand on the girls shoulder.

"Time to go shopping."

"Shit man...can I get ice cream?" she turned her head to the side making eye contact with the amused jounin instructor with beautiful cerulean blue eyes.

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