Chapter 9

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Jack's heart has never beat so fast in his entire life -- which is saying something, because he's been alive for a long time. His palms began to sweat, which he subtly wiped on his dark jeans as he attempted to remain calm.

"About what?" Ian asked, genuinely confused. "Our numbers have been great, Dad. We haven't left any couples unaccounted for."

Jack dared to look up at his father, his exceptionally white beard was just past his neck and his wrinkles seemed to be more prominent than usual. Jack's dark eyes were met with the icy blue that were his dad's. 

"Correction, Ian: You haven't left any couples unaccounted for." He paused and sat back in his chair, as Jack accepted that this was it. The end of him and Alex and of both of their lives. Ian exchanged a look with his brother, genuinely confused as to what was going on. Well, he was about to find out, Jack thought bitterly. "Jack, you have some explaining to do."

"I'-I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." Jack mumbled, staring down at his hands. Was Zeus going to kill Alex himself or make Ian do it?

"I thought you'd say that," He sighed. "Tell me Jack, why is it that Ian has been doing all the work lately?" Oh. "You boys have an equal job to do, and while it's up to the both of you to decide who's on call which night, I've noticed the past week it's been only Ian on call, doing the killing. Then, I decided to look at the paperwork of the latest kills you two have done and nearly all of them have been done by your brother. Are you going soft on us, Jack?" 

He actually managed to let out a laugh at this point. He'd thank God but he's sitting right in front of him. At this moment, it was like a weight had been freed from his chest: he doesn't know, Alex gets to live. Jack gets to remain happy. "Oh...Oh Dad, no, not at all. I just... Ian has volunteered to cover for me lately. I wasn't feeling well and haven't been getting sleep is all. Believe me, I'm still the same old Jack. Nothing has changed."

His father smiled at him, resting his hands behind his head, as he leaned back in his chair, observing the two of them. "I'm glad to hear it. Once you're feeling better, I expect you to pick up the slack, though."

"Oh of course, I've actually missed the work."

"Good, then you're on call tonight; Ian, you get some sleep. You look like you need it."

"Yes, sir, "They both mumbled, before rising out of their chairs, aware that was their dismissal. They both then teleported back to Jack's apartment in New York. 

"Are you okay being back on call tonight? If you're not ready.." Ian trailed off, cracking open a beer and joining Jack on his old couch.

"No, honestly it's fine. It's probably time I jumped back in, anyway."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I am, thanks though." Jack grabbed a beer for himself and properly let out a breath he had been holding in. He attempted to watch the crappy cop movie Ian had on, but couldn't concentrate, all he could think about was Alex and his need to be with him. "Can I ask you something?" Jack questioned, breaking the silence that had settled between the two. Ian hummed in response, tearing his eyes away from the movie to look at his brother. "Have you ever thought someone? Like, forget the one night stands, but have a relationship instead?"

Ian frowned at his younger brother. "Not really. I'm happy with the occasional hook up. It's not like it'd be exactly easy to hide what I do for a living from them. Why, are you?"

"No, not at all. I was just curious." Another lie, great. Jack was in so deep, he could barely keep up with what was a lie and what was truth at this point.

- - - -

After his first page went off a little after one in the morning, Jack quickly regretted taking the shift tonight. It was true, he couldn't avoid his job forever, but looking at the couple in Michigan that were radiant with happiness made him feel absolutely sick, knowing what was coming next. He followed them outside of the bar they were in, and sighed, even looking away as he pulled the trigger twice. He didn't even get the chance to clean up the bodies before bile was rising in his throat and he was throwing up all over the alley. Jack quickly got rid of any evidence of him being there and teleported back to his apartment. 

Tears rolled down his face as he collapsed on his bathroom floor next to the toilet. How could he go on like this, killing couples just like him and Alex? How could he take away their happiness and their potential to live a wonderful life, when that's all he wanted for himself and his boyfriend? Just the mere thought of it, had him losing the content of his stomach into the toilet once again. He couldn't live his life like this forever. After all, eventually Alex would want to get married and would then wonder why Jack would always leave for twelve hours with no explanation. It was just unrealistic. But he chose to think back to his mantra that 'ignorance is bliss' and push that out of his mind for the time being. 

Thankfully, for Jack's sanity the night was slow, with only two more pages, which also resulted in him vomiting his guts out. When he returned to New York, a little after four in the morning he decided to call the only person who could make him feel better at this point.

"Jack? Why are you awake?" Alex sounded worried, but instantly Jack felt better, just hearing his voice.

"Couldn't sleep," He mumbled into the phone. "Plus, I miss you and wanted to talk to you."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wish I could be with you right now." 

Jack sighed, closing his eyes, and wishing that same thing. "Me too. But I'll tell you what, I'll be in London soon, okay? I'm trying to move some business over there so I will be able to see you more often."

"That would be awesome," Alex gushed, Jack could even hear the smile in his voice. "So tell me, when is 'soon?' Because I could really use you here right now." Alex's tone hinted at an underlying message, which made Jack's eyebrows shoot up.

"Oh you could? And why is that?" The younger asked, biting at his lip.

"Let's just say I had a certain dream about a certain someone last night.." Alex trailed off. 

"Are you going to give me the details or do I have to ask?" He asked, making Alex laugh.

"Well, I wouldn't mind having you beg..Oh, hang on someone is knocking on my door," He mumbled. 

Jack couldn't help but smirk, "Would you believe me if I said soon was right now?" At that second the door opened and Jack found himself face to face with Alex. His hair was a mess, surely he recently just got out of bed, and he was wearing pajama pants that were sitting low on his hips. Jack quickly stuck his phone in his pocket, pushing a speechless Alex inside, and pressing him against the wall. Their faces just inches from each other. Jack's eyes trailed slowly down Alex's body taking it all in, the smooth pale panes of his chest, to his hip bones that jutted out. He was perfect, sexy and adorable, all wrapped up in one person. 

"You really like surprises don't you?" The brunette managed to say before Jack's lips were on his. It was a heated and sloppy kiss, but they were both in so much need for the other it didn't even matter. Alex's hands found their way into Jack's jet black hair and pulled on it, as he bit his lower lip. 

Jack managed to pull away from his deliriously hot boyfriend for a moment. "So, this dream of yours, if you're not going to tell me about it, you may as well show me." 

Alex grinned at this, and wrapped his legs around Jack's waist and sealed their lips once more, as they made their way to the bedroom.

This was the perfect remedy to the panic Jack was experiencing earlier, and soon enough he couldn't even remember what it was that was upsetting him.

- - -

A/N: Okay, I'm going to be honest...not a fan of this chapter very much, but regardless please let me know what you think, I would really appreciate it! Also, I posted a Jalex oneshot about a week or two ago, you guys should go check out, it's called Sand in a Shoe. Thanks!

Glory and Gore Go Hand in Hand (JALEX)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें