Chapter 29: Yearning

Comenzar desde el principio

We all get out once Visellia parks at an Ihop a few miles from the college. Seated by a waiter, we choose a booth and a different waiter takes our orders for drinks and food once we all decided on what we wanted to eat. The waiter goes to fill our orders.

"I seen Alchemy, Sirrah." Rory tells me.

I look up from playing with Shiriki's fingers. "Really?"


"She's fine as hell." Cayne jumps in.

I raise my eyebrows at that statement a little shocked that Cayne would say something like that. Or even express his interest in someone other than himself.

"Not that I would know," Cayne meeks says.

"What's she doing here anyway, Sirrah?" Rory asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, "She said she is here to check on Andy; her sister. That's it."

"Hmm?" Rory hums in thought.

Shiriki nuzzles my hair causing me to giggle. Cayne, Rory, and Visellia eyes us.

"It's nice to see you happy, Shiriki." Rory acknowledges.

"Thank you, Rory. Been a long time coming." Shiriki says proudly placing his arm around me and I lean into his embrace.

"Yeah, especially with your ex going around telling everyone she's pregnant with your child." Cayne blurts out without a care.

Shiriki stares at Cayne in shock. I groan and place my head on the table. Visellia and Rory stares at Cayne, angrily.

Cayne looks at them as if he had said nothing wrong. "What? It's true."

The waiter brings our food and sets the right order in front of us. He then gives us our drinks and dashes off when called by another customer.

"Cayne, are you kidding?" Visellia asks picking up her knife and fork for her steak.

"No. I am not. I wish I was, though, for Shiriki's sake." He picks up his sandwich. "I heard her tell a few people about it the other day." Cayne lets the group know.

I look at my food, not hungry all of a sudden.

"What is she doing here anyway? She'd never wanted to go to college in the first place." Rory asks forking her salad.

"I don't know. Probably following Shiriki." Cayne guesses with his mouth full of the sandwich.

Shiriki shakes his head. "I will have no issue with her as long as she doesn't bother Sirrah."

I slightly smile at that and begins to eat. But, Kimber has already tried to warn me about being around Shiriki.

Shiriki looks at me and says, "Has she said anything to you?"

I look into Shiriki's eyes, "Yeah, she has."

Anger flashes across Shiriki's face, he puts his utensils down, "What did she say to you?"

"I told her that there was no need to hang around you anymore since I am back," Kimber says.

Shiriki, myself, Cayne, Rory, and Visellia looks up to see a pregnant Kimber standing by our table with her hands on her hips. I rub the bridge of my nose, there was nowhere I could run since I was the one by the wall. I hadn't want to withdraw into myself so bad, until now.

Kimber stands there with her hands now under her belly, looking at us.

"What is this crap about you spreading rumors about you being pregnant with my child?" Shiriki asks not really wanting to yell and make a scene in the restaurant.

"Because remember four months ago? You came over to my place to talk about us?" Kimber asks. When he did not answer, she kept on, "You told me how much you loved me and we fucked all night long."

I squirm around in my seat, quite uncomfortable at the information that I am receiving. The others are just looking like they cannot believe what they are hearing. I bite my bottom lip. Four months ago? What? My mind blurts out, the thoughts almost hit my lips, but I manage to keep that at bay.

"You know that's a lie, Kimber." Shiriki all most yells out.

"Why don't we go outside and talk?" Visellia saying paying the tab.

We all head outside to continue this debate.

I am pacing back and forth, trying to figure this all out. Visellia is leaning against the pillar. Cayne and Rory are standing next to me. Shiriki and Kimber are looking at everything else, but each other.

"Kimber. . . what we had was over at least 2 years ago now." Shiriki says in a calm manner.

"Ha." She laughs in his face. "This baby is yours. You are going to take care of me and the baby. Because, I didn't do this by myself. Four months, Shiriki."

"We did not. I did not." He now yells, letting his frustration get the better of him.

I jump at the sound of Shiriki's voice.

"Yes, we did, Shiriki. You know it. Or is it because your little chocolate drop is over there and you don't want to admit you had a taste of this? Is that why you don't want to admit it?" Kimber asks folding her arms over her chest.

Shiriki looks at me, "No," He turns to Kimber, "Because it didn't happen. I am not going to admit to something that I did not do."

Kimber scoffs, "Fine, but you are going to take care of the baby and me."

Shiriki walks over to me. "Not til I get a blood test and whatever is needed to prove that baby is mine. Until then, you better get my brother to take care of it along with your other three kids you have."

Kimber's face turns blood red with fury. "Your brother ain't shit. He left me." She screams across the parking lot.

"I am sure he saw what I saw in you before he got in too deep with you. But, marrying you is too deep."

"You know, Kimber." Visellia jumps in.

Kimber turns to Visellia.

"You know if you treated Shiriki right you'd have all you wanted." Visellia ensures Kimber.

"Oh, please." She turns to me. "Did Shiriki tell you about his little romances with Rory and Visellia?"

I shake my head and looks to Shiriki for some kind of answer to what Kimber is telling me.

"Yeah, I did that. But, they rejected me. I move on." Shiriki admits.

Kimber scoffs, "Whatever." She walks away.

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