Chapter 42 continued

Start from the beginning

I was amazed at John's speech and before I could process his words Roman spoke.

"You know that I would never give up on her man, you're right I just need to learn to control myself. I mean honestly I do trust her. It's just she has good relationships with all of her exes and any one of them could just walk into her life again. I only have Jenna who I loved, but I know for a fact that I am only in love with Mia and Jenna wouldn't stand in the way of that. I would never look at another woman but she has them and it's all just too much for my ego to handle " I heard John pat his back I think.

"Well she's only in love with you man, what did she say about moving in with you?" I felt the bed move as they got up.

"She was cool with it"

"So part A is in full swing.. " I couldn't hear anymore as they left the room.

I decided it was time I got up, I showered then put on some sweatpants with a hoodie and let my hair down. I saw that it was just after 12pm.

As I walked out of the room I was shocked when I saw the twins and Daniel in the lounge while John and Roman were fixing lunch in the kitchen. I hadn't realized all of them were here.

"Look who decided to join us!" Nikki smiled as she came over to hug me.

Roman looked up and smiled as he saw me and continued talking to John. I walked and sat on the couch in the corner of the room Indian style.

"You look.. " Brie looked over at me.

"Horrible I know!" I groaned.

"I was actually going to say sick " she laughed.

I saw Roman walking over to me with what looked like a teddy bear.

"Here, I ran out and got this for you hopefully it will help with your female curse " he winked at me and sat on the arm of my chair while John brought the sandwiches to the table and Nikki helped.

"Thanks Ro" it was a hot water bottle disguised as a panda.

He smiled down at me.


"You guys make some mean sandwiches that tasted so amazing " Nikki smirked.

"Yeah!" Daniel smiled and took the things into the kitchen.

"Where's Josie? "I asked as I realised she was missing.

"At my mom's " Brie smiled.

" Awww I miss her and I'm sure she misses Roman " I winked at him.

"Seriously still? " everyone broke out laughing.

"It will never be forgotten! " I smiled and got up to allow Roman to slip into the couch and pull me onto his lap as his arm rest over my thighs while the other gently held my waist. He kissed me on my cheek and we looked back to find everyone staring at us.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You two are really cute that's all"

I felt Roman squeeze me tightly as he began, " Oh it's just for show guys we really can't stand each other " Roman then rolled his eyes.

They laughed and shook their heads at us.

"What time are we flying to Vegas? " I asked.

"About an hour so you guys might want to change out of those sweatpants! " John smiled.

"Oh no I am not changing I am way to comfortable right now "

"If she ain't changing neither am I " Roman smiled.

"Fine look like hobos together " Nikki laughed.

"Well if anyone can pull it off its my baby girl " he kissed my cheek.

"I really don't get how you guys fight so much and then act like this" Brie shook her head and smiled.

"Oh sis, trust me John and I are the same. Where as you and Daniel are the perfect hippy couple "

I saw a pillow fly against Nikki.

"We are not perfect we are just not as dramatic as you guys! " We all rolled our eyes at her.

"I can't help it that's just how I am or how we are cause we all know how dramatic Roman can be "

"Roman is nothing compared to Nikki! If Roman gets pissed at least you know, with her I have to guess " John groaned.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen and shook my head.

"That is exactly how Roman is like but I still love you either way Tarzan! " I smiled brightly and blew him a kiss.

"Good save baby girl " he smiled and disappeared into the room.

"Do you really need this much luggage Mia?" Roman came out of the room carrying my four suitcases and his one.

"Are you seriously asking me that question? " he nodded raising his eyebrow.

"Well yeah, that one is for my wrestling gear and Makeup, that's for my shoes, that's for my dresses and stuff and those are casual things. We are going to be in Vegas for a week Roman I really do need all of it" I rolled my eyes while Nikki and Brie nodded in agreement.


I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my toes and whispered into his ear.

"Stuff for Tarzan and Jane " and then bit into his ear.

As I pulled back I could see how flustered he was getting and then cleared his throat. "I'll put these in John's car "

"I'll help you man" John said as he took two.


"I can't believe you slept the entire flight Mia" Daniel chuckled as we walked into the hotel.

Roman's arm was draped over my shoulder and my arm hugged his waist as I was stumbling still very sleepy.

"I just want the next two days to be over " I mumbled.

"Baby, are you sure you're okay besides it being that time of the month cause I have never really seen you like this " he whispered to me as the guys booked the rooms.

"Yes I'm fine it will blow over soon" I smiled.

"You okay baby girl? " Roman took off his sweater and joined me in bed.

I nodded as he pulled me into his arms. " It's the painkillers that are making me so sleepy, hopefully it will be over tomorrow cause I really want to enjoy Vegas and we have the interview on the show " I mumbled.

"You will be, just get some sleep Mia" he kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to his chest.

Author's Note:

Can anyone guess what plans John and Roman have prepared?? ;)
Next update will. Be soon :)

He's my Tarzan... (Roman Reigns Fanfic) *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now