"A unicorn?" Alex laughed. "I wouldn't go that far. I've never had a real relationship but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of one."

"What are you saying?" Abby asked. "Aren't you supposed to be a playboy?"

"I'm considered a playboy? What does that mean exactly?" His voice was teasing again.

"It means you play with women's hearts. Other women's hearts...not mine. I should make that clear. I know exactly what this is and my heart is not involved."

"You sound so sure of yourself," Alex grumbled.

"After what I've been through, I have to be."

"All the women I've dated knew going in that I didn't want something serious. How is that playing with their hearts?"

"Are you sure they knew that?" Abby asked.

Alex shrugged. "I never really thought about it before. It's not like love is something I spend a lot of time thinking about."

"That's so sad," Abby whispered.

"What's so sad about it? Love is dangerous. You should know that firsthand. Besides, what is love anyway? If we're being honest, it's just increased levels of serotonin and dopamine."

"That's not love." Abby laughed. "Who gave you that definition? Wait, don't tell me. You probably came up with it yourself."

"No? Then what is love?"

She thought of Bryce and shuddered. That's wasn't love. It was blindness. She looked back at Alex's expectant face and answered. "When two people fall in love...sure there's all the physical attraction and lust. Sometimes that gets confused with love. Love is the heel."

Alex laughed. "What did you just say? Love is the what?"

Abby grinned. "It's the heel. The heel of the bread."

"I'm not following." Alex shook his head in confusion.

"I once read a story in one of those Chicken Soup for the Soul books about this really old couple that had celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary or something. Anyway, after the party was over, the husband and wife go to their kitchen to have some wine and bread. The husband pulls out this fresh loaf of bread and slices the end piece- the heel- and hands it to his wife. She gets upset and yells at him that he always gives her the heel of the bread. She demands to know why he always gives her that particular piece when he gets a nice piece from the middle of the loaf. After she's done yelling, the husband answers, 'I give you the heel because it's my favorite part of the loaf.' I may not be remembering all the details but that was the gist of it."

"Well, hell. That's pretty sweet. Even my jaded heart can recognize that," Alex muttered.

"It's really sweet, isn't it?"

"That's supposed to be the definition of love to you?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. Don't you see? He sacrificed his favorite part of the bread for her for fifty years. She didn't even realize how thoughtful he thought he was being. Love isn't always loud and in your face. To me, true love is found in small gestures and quiet moments. Like when you're holding hands or something."

"Or something?" Alex grinned.

Abby shrugged, a blush on her face.

"That's really sweet Abby." Alex smiled.

"Anyway, I know you don't love me and I don't love you so what we have here is two consenting adults that spent a night together."

She heard Alex chuckle. He was about to say something when they both heard a loud crash coming from down the hall. It sounded like glass breaking. Abby froze.

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