Chapter 27

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I go back to Chiron the next morning, dreading what he's going to tell me. He has a sad look on his face when I enter his office. Oh no, I think right away.

"Ames, your father has been taken by monsters. Your mother didn't bother you about it and went looking on her own, but returned unsuccessful. I can grant you a quest to look for him, but the injury on your face is going to be a problem," Chiron explains.

I sigh, slumping in my chair. Why didn't I get there in time? I should have protected him. "I can see if Apollo has anything for my face," I mumble.

"That can be part of your quest, then," says Chiron, patting my shoulder in a fatherly way. I have way to many fatherly figures, I laugh to myself.

"Decide who will go with you on the quest and see Rachel," instructs Chiron. I nod and go find Nico.


I end up interrupting Nico's archery practice, but when he sees the look on my face, he doesn't mind putting down his bow. He doesn't even have to ask me what's wrong, "My dad has been captured. Chiron said I could do a quest. I'm supposed to choose who goes with me and see Rachel." He nods in understanding.

We start walking toward Rachel's cave and I start my little speech, wondering if he'll turn me down, "Nico, I know you've been on more quests that you wish you had, so it's absolutely fine if you don't want to go with me, I'll completely understand."

"You kidding, Ames? I'm going with you, and if you hadn't have asked me, I would have gone anyway. I know your dad means a lot to you. I have to get his approval anyway," he jokes, susessfully getting a laugh out of me.

"Knock, knock," I say before pushing the curtin aside at the entrance of Rachel's cave. She sits on the floor in front of a canvas, red curly hair frizzy around her head.

"Hello, Ames, Nico," she smiles. She sighs and stands, "I guess you didn't just come to talk."

"Sorry, yeah I guess we need a prophecy," I admit.

"Well, you'll have to wait just a minute, sometimes it takes a bit for Apollo to send one," she says, pointidly looking up. I sit down with my back against the cool wall, face throbing. Nico kneels in front of me, running his fingers along my face to numb it.

"Thanks," I say, "We're actually supposed to talk to Apollo ourselves about my face. Chiron said it could be part of the quest." Nico nods.

"Who else are you taking?" Asks Rachel.

"I was thinking Willow," I say.

Rachel drops her paintbrush and turns toward me, eyes beginning to glow green. She moves to her knees in front of me and green mist flows from her mouth into the air. A deeper, much older voice echos around us, giving the chilling prophecy.

Daughter of the Sea, healed at last
King of the Ghosts finally completes the task
Child of nature, harmed beyond repair
Son of arrows, will fall deep into dispair
Offspring of wisdom, holds wisdom no more
The indestructible become destruction leading to inevitable war

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