Chapter 24

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"Ames," someone whispers, waking me from sleep. "Sorry, Ames, but we've got to go to Mount Olympus. For the vote," the whisper continues. I open my eyes to find that I'm still with Nico on the couch. I sigh and slowly stand up. Everything hurts just as bad all over again and I groan. Nico wraps his arms around me from behind. "You ok?" He asks. I take a deep breath and nod.

When I get out of his cabin I'm instantly surrounded by campers giving me hugs and saying they're happy I'm alive.

I finally make it to my cabin and Percy is waiting for me. He gives me a square of ambrosia and a hug. I pull on fresh jeans and a nicer shirt, we are going to see the gods after all.

I give Percy one last goodbye, and he gives me good luck before Nico takes my hand and shadow travels us to the Empire State building.

I look up to see the many floors, but it hurts my head. I close my eyes for a brief moment and take a deep breath. My hand in Nico's, we walk inside.

"600th floor," Nico demands the guard at the desk.

"Sir, there is no 600th floor," answers the guard in mock confusion.

"My name is Nico di Angelo and this is Amelia King. Our lives depend on the vote tonight, so I suggest you let us up," Nico explains forcefully.

The guard nods and takes us to the elevator. It's kind of strange, going up to the vote that will decide your fate with soft elevator music in the background and a seemingly mortal security guard with you.

Finally, the doors open and I get my first view of Mount Olympus. Let me just say- it is beautiful. A random mountain floating over New York may sound strange, but it seemed to work.

There are many new buildings and I can see the Athenian touch in several of them. It brings my respect for Annabeth that much higher. We walk toward a grand palace. It's so amazing I can't even begin to describe it.

There are 12 very diverse seats in the throne room. They clearly represent their godly owners and it's kinda funny to see a wooden lawn chair with a fishing poll next to a grand gold and velvet throne.

The gods are walking and standing around and are just as diverse as their chairs. I'll tell you one thing, though, they are still huge and scary.

After a few minutes they settle on their thrones leaving Nico and I standing in the middle. It is quite intimidating to be standing in the gaze of 12 powerful gods, no matter how nice some of them look. The stress makes my face ache and I wish I had brought some ambrosia.

"We are gathered here tonight to decide the fate of these two demigods," booms Zeus, "They are dangerous to us, but could also be helpful. The problem is they actually have lives, so then we have this vote. Would anyone like to say anything before we decide?"

There is silence for a moment before Aphrodite squeals, "They're just so cute together!" I blush and Nico squeezes my hand. I remind myself to tell him what she said in my dream earlier.

Both Poseidon and Hades shrink down to our size and walk over. They glare at each other, the Poseidon speaks, "I'm proud of you, Ames. And thank you, Nico, for helping her." I smile and Nico nods to him.

Hades steps up, "Amelia, you have changed my mind, about you at least. You know my opinion. No matter what happens, don't forget it." I bet that's the most generously said words from Hades ever. I'm sure I won't hear anything like it again from him.

Athena also shrinks to our size and faces me, chin held high. This is my grandmother, I remind myself. "You have very good intelligence, Amelia. I am sorry to say that your father is the shell head over there, but I think you can continue to be smart, no matter what kind of kelp he tries to put in your head," she informs me. I nod and smile a little at what she said.

There are a few more minutes of silence while pain roars in my head. I take another deep breath trying to push it down, but those stitches in my face sting almost like they're fresh.

"Oh, come on now. We aren't going to let the poor girl stand there in pain, are we?!" Exclaims who I guess to be Apollo. He jumps down form his throne and brings me a square of ambrosia.

"Thank you," I reply gratefully, taking it from him as if it's the most delicious thing I've ever seen, and it almost is.

"Well, unless anyone has anything else to say, let us vote," says Zeus. "Whoever wants them to stay here on Mount Olympus, say 'I'," there are several gods who say it, but I can't tell if it's half or not. "Those who vote for their freedom say 'I'," this time I can tell that there were lots more 'I's'. "Um, does anyone who said they should stay here have a good objection?" There's silence.

I glance at Nico and see a ghost of a smile on his face.

"You have freedom," Zeus pauses, "For now."

We quickly bow and walk out of the throne room. Once out of the doors, Nico and I hug each other tightly.

Free. Thank goodness.

We shadow travel off of Mount Olympus and end up back in the Hades cabin. Nico paces back and forth talking about freedom and stuff, I'm not really listening. I curl up on his bed and close my eyes. My cheek is hurting badly again. Why won't it stop? I'm eating the most powerful food in the world!

I feel a weight on the bed and feel Nico's arms slip around my waist. "Are you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah," I answer, "It's hurting again, But I'm just glad we're free now."

He brushes his lips on my neck and I sigh, letting my world go dark once again.

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