Chapter 1

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I slam my hand down on my alarm clock to make it stop beeping. 5:00 am. Time to swim. I pull on my suit and throw both bags over my shoulder; swim bag and school backpack. I hop on my bike and head toward the rec center.

I do swim for a team, but not this early. I mean, heck, no one would come. I have my own key because my uncle owns the place. "As long as you don't drown, you can use the pool." He told me, handing over the key.

I dive into the cold water and start my warm up.

I get out of the pool at exactly 7:15 am and get showered and dressed in the locker room. I glance at my watch, waterproof of course, and see that it's 7:30. Right on time.

I ride to school balancing the two backpacks, stomach growling. I step through the doors of the cafeteria at 7:45, exactly.

My breakfast is inhaled immediately and the first period bell is ringing at 8:00, right when my butt hits my chair.

Mrs. Burn gives me a disgusted look, as usual, when the announcements start. Willow and I grin at each other, "Not a second late," she whispers for the 163rd time, meaning that there are 17 days left of school.

Let me tell you about Willow while my principal bores us with rules. Willow always wears a hat, but I don't know why, her hair is beautiful. She has celery green eyes, her hair is blonde, and she's vegetarian. She always wears pants and never wears flip- flops or sandals. She also loves nature, I mean, loves.

(I don't think there are female saytrs, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Sorry if I'm defying the laws of Greek mythology)

Anyway, all the people at this school, other than me and Willow, are either stupid, dumb, or idiots. All the teachers except Mrs. Burn love me, but I refuse to be a teacher's pet.

Finally Mr. Delburg, the principal, stops talking and we say the Pledge of Allegiance. Then we start Mrs. Burn's test on mythology, my favorite subject.

I turn in my test first, and Willow just after, which surprises me. History isn't really her subject, but I'm happy she's confident in her answers.

I read until the end of class and stand to go when the bell rings, but Mrs. Burn stops Willow and I. "Ladies, please report to detention after school for cheating," she says in a stern voice.

"But-" I start, but Willow cuts me off, "Yes ma'am." She's trembling, probably in fear, she's scared of Mrs. Burn. I stomp out of the classroom also trembling, but not in fear, in fury. We weren't cheating! She has no proof! So much for swim practice and happy parents. I storm off to my next class.


I yank a chair out from under a desk in Mrs. Burn's classroom at exactly 3:00 pm. Willow comes in a few minutes later along with a few other people who managed to get in trouble. I sit and glare at Mrs. Burn as our detention starts.

We have about 30 minutes left when the weirdest thing happens. Mrs. Burn stands up and walks slowly toward me. Her eyes started to glow and her hands got longer. Leathery wings grow out of her back and her hands morph into talons. I gasp. She's an ancient greek monster, but I can't place a name because of my terror.

Wait, this isn't possible! How is there a monster in front of me? No amount of special effects can do that. "AMES! RUN!" Willow yells at me. Once my brain is awake, I don't need to be told twice, I bolt.

I hear Willow running after me, but maybe not. It sounds like hooves, not feet. I spare a glance back. Willow is holding her shoes and coming out of her jeans are real hooves, like a horse's. I'm either hallucinating, or this is a dream. I keep running, though. I make it out of the school doors and that's when the giant spikes start flying.

What the heck?!

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